Due to my uber healthy diet I now have gas like nobody's business!
Orientation - April 25, 2012, Nurse - May 16, 2012, Social Worker - May 25, Dietician - May 25, 2012, Abdominal Ultrasound - June 29, 2012, Cardiologist - August 1, 2012 Pre-Surgical Education Class September 19, 2012, Meet with Surgeon September 27, 2012, PATTS November 9, 2012, Surgery Date November 16, 2012 (Dr. Mamazza)

Time to buy the new Shreddies underwear!!
HW 277.0 CW 273.0 Asked for Referral February 2013; Orientation @ Guelph May 16th, 2013; First Appointments July 24th; Nutrition Class August 7th; Second Appointments (& cleared) August 29th; Post Op Class December 9th; meet surgeon January 9th; PATTS Jan 14; Opti starts January 21; Surgery February 11th!

my son, a personal trainer, calls them protein farts... and they're not too bad in the beginning.. i'm 2 years out and omg.. beware! and of course they happen at the most inopportune time! i remember a fellow OHr who was carpooling to work and the story goes that her co-worker had to literally roll down all the windows or DIE!!! the smell was that bad. i thought she was exaggerating but i can now so totally relate! one of the drawbacks of surgery but i tell people it's my age - you know the little ole lady that has gas... cuz it can happen when i just walk by someone's desk and not even know it's going to happen... and i say ooops old age setting in! wish i could say it gets better! good luck!
my son, a personal trainer, calls them protein farts... and they're not too bad in the beginning.. i'm 2 years out and omg.. beware! and of course they happen at the most inopportune time! i remember a fellow OHr who was carpooling to work and the story goes that her co-worker had to literally roll down all the windows or DIE!!! the smell was that bad. i thought she was exaggerating but i can now so totally relate! one of the drawbacks of surgery but i tell people it's my age - you know the little ole lady that has gas... cuz it can happen when i just walk by someone's desk and not even know it's going to happen... and i say ooops old age setting in! wish i could say it gets better! good luck!
I am glad I am not the only one with the terrorist gas - my kids say it's the worst and it's even worse when I eat sausage, deli meats, eggs and a few other types of ite,s.
I have to agree with what is written above, because I am almost 5 yrs post-op and it's not gotten "better" should learn how to walk really quick and leave the area of a dept store quickly.
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN
Be aware that because of the way we RNY'ers metabolize carbs, they generate a lot of gas.
So the more carbs and sugars you ingest, the worse the gas will be. Along with the usual vegetable suspects.
I actually went and got tested for H. pylori again because my gas was so bad (and sometimes painful) but it truly is just the changed digestive system.
on 1/24/14 1:51 am
Gas travels upward, builds pressure and gets smelly and then comes out either by burping or farting. You can get rid of it immediately by bending over so that your butt is the highest point on your body.
It will quickly exit with no noise or smell. I simply bend over and tie my shoes or adjust my socks. The idea is go get your head lower than your butt. Repeat if it comes back. Once you learn how to sense the gas starting and how to get rid of it, you will not be contending with this anymore.
This sounds comical. I wish I had known about it after surgery when I bought so much gas-x, strips for my panties, devrom, and still suffered constant embarrassment.
Terrorist gas! That's exactly what it is. I have gotten good at moving quickly, blaming the dog etc. !
I think it's all the veggies (peppers, onions, salads) and eggs, but I can't stop eating clean...
But at this rate I'll have no friends by the time spring gets here, if it ever does!!!
Does anyone have any luck with Beano?
Orientation - April 25, 2012, Nurse - May 16, 2012, Social Worker - May 25, Dietician - May 25, 2012, Abdominal Ultrasound - June 29, 2012, Cardiologist - August 1, 2012 Pre-Surgical Education Class September 19, 2012, Meet with Surgeon September 27, 2012, PATTS November 9, 2012, Surgery Date November 16, 2012 (Dr. Mamazza)