How long do your meals take to eat?

on 1/18/14 11:21 am

My book says 30-40mins.

im supposed to stretch out 3/4c of greek yogurt to 30mins.....for real?

normally it goes down pretty fast. More like 10min.

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/14 11:32 am

i think everyone is different -- and it depends on what you are eating.  

a bowl of soup will go down in minutes for me, vs a chicken thigh which could easily take me 30 minutes to get through. i can eat greek yoghurt in about 10-15 minutes. meatloaf will probably take me a good 30 minutes.

does that make sense?

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/14 12:11 pm

Remember your pouch is very small, and new. I would go by the book. 

on 1/18/14 8:56 pm - Canada

Ya - I know what you mean - seems a little crazy to be eating that longggggggggg. hehe. I never stretch it out that much and perhaps that is a problem and perhaps it isn't. I think there are guidelines and then there is you! Do what works and keep the guidelines in mind if you are having trouble. 


Surgery date is Oct. 17th, 2013 in Ottawa. I was referred to the clinic in September 2012. The person performing my surgery is Dr Amy Neville. 


on 1/19/14 12:43 am

I can see something like meat taking longer to chew well, but i think 40mins is ridic. I would have to reheat my meal at least twice cuz im sure it would be ice cold by then.

thanks for your input.

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/14 9:43 am

be mindful about reheating food -- it dries it out, which can make it even harder to digest.  it's a tough go for us, for sure.  

on 1/19/14 7:38 pm - Canada

I am pre op and have been really working on slowing my chewing down and I found a real advantage to this process. 
While I am still eating and chewing, my hubby is up doing the clean up/dishes that he and I usually do together.  Rn't I a stinker??????

Referral: Feb. 14, 2013; Orientation: May 16, 2013: 1st RN/NUT/SW appt: May 28, 2013; 2nd RN/NUT/SW appt: July 31, 2013; Dr. Agarwal (internist): Aug. 6, 2013; Post Op Class: Nov. 25 2013; Dr. Reed: Dec. 17, 2013; Surgery: February 13,2014


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