obstruction? how do you know?

on 1/15/14 10:09 pm - Thornhill, Canada

Hi all,

First an update.  I am 7.5 months post RNY and down 89 lbs as of yesterday.   Couldnt be happier.

Question.....the past 2 days (although better today than yesterday) I have had some pain and tightness in my chest, basically between my breasts (sorry if TMI).  When I lie down I don't feel any pain.  It doesn't hurt as much as it is just uncomfortable.  

Is this an indication that I have a bit of an obstruction and should eat lightly for the next few days?  I have not had any throwing up, and have not changed anything in my diet.  Wondering if perhaps I swallowed a bite of some chicken on Monday night that did not chew well enough?  I have also been gasier the past 2 days.

I have never really had any throwing up, and experienced some minor dumping one time.  Other than that, I have been pain and symptom free for 7.5 months, so this is new to me.

Thanks in advance for any insight from those of you who might have experienced something like this before.


on 1/15/14 10:48 pm - Canada

Hmmm ... not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt.


My obstruction felt different.

Yours sounds a little more like a hernia at the stomach/esophagus interface. Or possibly the beginning of a small ulcer.

When I had an obstruction, the whole lower belly part of me was aflame. It was rock-hard and the pain/spasms would come in waves.

I spent most of my time with my legs drawn up, cringing. To extend my legs meant pain.

Walking was very uncomfortable.

The gas was definitely happening, but it wasn't coming out very much - just accumulating, creating a very distended belly.

I was lucky - on the fourth day it resolved itself, but it was a close call (I had undergone surgery for an Ileus before, where part of the large intestine was knotted and actually died off).


I would call your surgeon's office and describe the symptoms - they may direct you to get un ultrasound so they can judge what it is that is causing your discomfort.

on 1/16/14 2:47 am - Thornhill, Canada

Thanks.  My biggest issue is that I am going to Disneyworld with my kids in a few days, so it would be nice to have it resolved before then.  No way I have time for an ultrasound or doctors visit before that unfortunately.  I might try a soft/liquid diet for a couple of days and see what happens.

I take Losec daily, and had tried to go off it.  The timing I realized, coincides with when I was off the Losec.  I am back on it now.  Don't know if any relation.


on 1/17/14 10:44 am

The other day i had started to experience some pain in the same area. I had not recently eaten or drank anything so i cudnt figure out why it was happening. It stayed for a bit thenl left, and came back again the next day, again not seemingly related to food or drink. Thankfully it has not come back, but if it does i will def be calling a nurse at my centre.

Mary A.
on 1/21/14 12:25 am

are your bowel movements the same or have you noticed any difference...


tightness and pain between the chest can be alot of things (gas) included.


if the pain continues I would suggest that you contact your physician for a real diagnosis...if you are like most people and start to become worries it becomes more of a problem.





prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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