feeling sorry for myself

(deactivated member)
on 1/11/14 5:38 am

If you are feeling different in your clothes and your face you are losing.One morning you will wake up and you will have lost.You have lost 2.7 pounds a week so far.We just got through the holiday season also.We all would love to have it come off faster but it will come off while we follow your plan.I am kind of a hypocrite answering your post I have PM people asking about will I stop losing weight and other questions such as do you think this is working.We have put this weight on over a period of our lives and it's not going to come off over night.Just think how much better you feel now.Tomorrow go out and do something for yourself such as a pedicure or manicure.Or go through the clearance rack at one of your favorite stores.Or call someone who you haven't talked to in a while who are supportive and you will feel better.

Take care


(deactivated member)
on 1/11/14 6:27 am

-hugs- thank you susan.  your words are like a really nice hug.  thank you so much.  :)

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