Susan M.
on 1/6/14 6:08 am

Itching worse at night reminds me of my pregnancies (I had ICP, increases bile acids in the blood), but then you're itching from the inside and there is no symptom on the surface.  Also, Some people with worms itch at night (in the peri anal region).  Tmi, I know.

It doesn't sound like either of there are your issue but I thought i'd mention them.

My twins were/are bad eczema sufferers.  You can only use cortisone for so long, and the second we stopped one of them would look like a reptile again.  We found 2 cremes that worked well, Calendula ointment (http://www.nationalnutrition.ca/detail.aspx?ID=904)  really helped to heal even the worst of outbreaks (when nothing else would), but you have to use it every 2-3hours.  another trick is to make sure the area is *clean*, put the ointment on and then wrap the area in a moist (with sterile water) bandage and then wrap with bandages to hold everything in place, theory is it helps get the medicine absorbed.  

You don't want to do this if there is any sign of infection anywhere, you'd just help it along, and no one wants that.

The other creme that helped us is a-derma (http://www.aderma.com/en/ma-famille/reparer-leur-peau-irritee), You can also get a super hypo allergenic type from the brand (which our lovely lizard looking baby needed (he no longer looks like a lizard)).

We spent about 200$ finding these 2 worked for us when nothing else would.  Have you seen a dermatologist?  I think you might have better luck, especially where general or ER doctors would fail.


Good luck, I know skin conditions can be a real nightmare.

on 1/6/14 6:18 am - Canada

I have a dermantogist appt on the 16th but it seems so far away 


Susan M.
on 1/6/14 8:08 am

Sorry to hear that :(  it is forever with a rash like that.  I hope something magical happens before then...

on 1/6/14 8:14 am - Canada

If you are in dire straits, go to the ER. Maybe they can give you a steroid.  Our immune systems are down post op and it's no fun trying to recover from surgery with the added annoyance.

Good luck!






on 1/6/14 8:54 am - Canada

Went to ER waited 4 hours to be offered Benadryl 


Monica M.
on 1/7/14 12:36 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

did you ask your GP about Atarax? it REALLY works for itching, especially at night. Honestly.

on 1/7/14 11:01 pm

it actually sounds like scabies to me. they are mites that live under the skin. itching gets worse at night, usually starts in the groin/bum/thigh area but can spread throughout the whole body. i think you can buy the NIX cream OTC, but check with your pharmacist. it's worth a try! you also have to wash all of your bedding, clean your mattress with rubbing alcohol etc.

if not, i hope the derm can give you some relief!

on 1/7/14 11:15 pm - Canada

I asked the emergency room doctor and she said it didn't look like scabies or bed buggs from the look of the rash 


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