on 1/5/14 11:54 pm - Canada

a recap and update                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

I had my surgery on Oct 11, 2013 and it went great, no pain was up walking that night textbook, was taking my vitamins on the next day ( chewable from upurity)and premier protein drinks. About the 17 of November I woke up in the night with a rash on my butt with some sores which has basically stayed inflammed since that day and itchy as can be, over the next week the res rash started to spred to my inner thighs and back of my legs to lower back. Then to my upper back and stomach and under my neck no face and a tiny one or two on hands.

I went to my GP and thought it was eczema or psoriasis ( i can't remember wihich one) he gave me a topical cortison creme and an oral antihistamine but neither did any good. I also tried relieve and benadryl which no help. I went back to see him and he gave me astronger creme and nothing. I then went to the ER it was so bad between xmas and new years and waited 5 hours to be told they can only treat the symptoms adn gave me Bendaryl. The doctor did say it wasn't bed bites or Scabies.


I have changed nothing in my routine with regards to soaps ( went to Aveena after rash appeared) food clothing etc. My kids did get a guinea pig but that was two weeks ago.I have dtired itch relief cremes and the only one that helps a little is gold bond but only for a few minutes. They rash get horribly itchy at night. I took a oatmeal bath last night and my whole body was covered in red after and no pain relief.

My GP begged a dermatologist to see me but it was 3 months in Ottawa and got one on Jan 16th but I can't wait that long. I haven't slept longer than 3 hours since November. Has anyone else had this problem.

ps called the clinic were I had the procedure and basically they said its not a side affect go see your gp


Monica M.
on 1/6/14 12:18 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

For some itch relief, especially at night, ask your doc for some Atarax. I had a really bad case of hives one time, and it really helped. It makes you really sleepy, and takes the itch away. That, and some injectable and then oral steroids.

The cause of my hives was a medication i'd been on for a while, turns out i was allergic to it. I had been on it for six months, (at least) so i really didn't think it was the culprit, but turns out it was. So, it could be the guinea pig, or something else that you've been in contact with for a while, but just developed an allergy.

Good luck.

on 1/6/14 12:37 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

Try 100% shea butter on the rash. How is your water intake? 


 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


on 1/6/14 12:45 am - Canada

water intake is good, I tried some of the other lotions and nothing helps. I will look to see about the shea butter  thanks


on 1/6/14 1:35 am

You could also try is changing your laundry detergent to an unscented no chemical added one (all natural) - many people develop allergic reactions to the scents/chemicals in laundry detergents. If you have changed any other scented/chemical stuff in your home look at that too - cleaners, air fresheners, etc. Good luck to you...

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 1/6/14 3:32 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

What about going off your vitamins for a few days and see if your symptoms subside. If they do -- reintroduce one at a time to see if they are the cause.





























































































































































































































































































on 1/6/14 3:43 am - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 11/20/13

try changing vitamins and protein shakes if you havent already. Could be a reaction to something in one of them.

Referral December 3/12 ~ Orientation April 24/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner May 27/13 ~ Nutritionist May 31/13 ~ Social Worker June 3/13 ~ Sleep Study June 24/13 ~ Ultrasound June 27/13 ~ Sleep Study Results August 20/13 ~Nurse Prac. Appointment September 10/13 ~ Surgeon Appt. Dr. Glazier & Dr. Hagen October 16/13 ~ Pre-Surgical Class October 23/13 ~ PATTS November 7/13 ~ Surgery November 20/13


on 1/6/14 4:06 am - Canada

I stop takibng the vitamins and the protein for 5 days and it had no affect.


on 1/6/14 5:30 am, edited 1/6/14 5:30 am - Canada

Hockey Dad,

My daughter suffers from extreme eczema she suffers so bad and her skin is so itchy it cracks, she has had it since she was a baby, it got so bad once that the doctor prescribed flamozene, it is used for burns!!

Nothing worked, i then saw a very elderly pediatrician that told me to use calmoseptine, it is used in geriatrics for bed sores, itching, diaper rash for infants so many things, i used the samples he provided and literally within 3 days her rash was gone!!! 

I have used it since for all of my kids when they got diaper rash or any allergic reaction including chickenpox.  It can be ordered through your pharmacy just tell them the name and they will get it in the next business day.  You can look up the website to see the results yourself.  I hope this helps, in the meantime you can try keri bath oil to moisture your skin.


Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 1/6/14 5:54 am - Canada

thanks, I took an oatmeal bath yesterday and it made it worst

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