Really Struggling...

on 1/5/14 10:56 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/13

Hi Guys!

Well, tomorrow I will be 2 months post op and so far (including opti time) I am down 65 pounds.  I am VERY happy with my decision!  First let me say that I have put a call into the psych and dietician at TWH and hopefully someone will call me back soon.  Also, I just want to clarify that I don't think I am depressed in any way shape or form. I'm super happy about my life now and wouldn't change it for anything.  I'm just hoping maybe someone else has experienced this....

Before surgery I LOVED food, everything tasted great (which was how I became obese! lol)  Since having surgery any and all love of food is GONE!  Nothing tastes good...sometimes everything tastes awful! ... and honestly some days it's a pain to make food as I'm only going to eat 2 bites and be full or perhaps even throw it up if it doesn't sit well (i.e. bread products and ham so far!).  There is NO enjoyment in food anymore and frankly I don't care if I eat again. If it wasn't for the fact that you need food to live, it wouldn't phase me to ever eat again.

I know right now, my caloric intake is VERY bad!! Some days I only "eat" 2 premier protein shakes and water all day.  It's almost as if I have a food aversion now.  Even watching my 18 month old "play" with her food and make a mess of herself almost makes me physically ill. I can't stand it!  It's very bizarre....I never thought I would hate food so much.  How anyone is supposed to eat more than 1,000 calories a day is beyond me.  Even when I do eat it is simply a nibble here and there.  I'm so confused.  Has anyone else gone through anything similar to this??  Any tips on how to overcome this? I WANT to like food again! :( 

Referral Sent: Jan. 2013, Orientation: Mar. 2013, Social Worker: Jun. 2013 Nurse: Jul. 2013, Nutrition Class: Aug. 2013, Dietician: Aug. 2013, Psych: Aug 2013  Surgeon: Oct. 2013, PATTS: Nov. 2013 SURGERY: Nov. 7th 2013!!!


on 1/5/14 11:16 pm - Arnprior, Canada

I know that for the longest time, I ate because I had to.  You will need to do this to make sure that you are eating enough.  Talking to the psych and dietician will definitely help.  Maybe start looking for mini things to eat.  Such as mini meat loaves (either use a muffin tin, or if you want less, a mini muffin tin).  Or egg bites.  Keep only what you can eat for a day or two, and freeze the rest for later.  Making small meals ahead, will help.  Make chili and portion it out and freeze it.  Having pre-made meals available will help out with this.  But don't limit yourself to one food, you'll get bored.  And if you don't take to it now, freeze it and try it again later.

Good Luck,



on 1/5/14 11:43 pm

I am very much like you   I know the feeling a fat boy who can't stand food. I have my appt Wednesday I will ask and let you know

Diminishing Dawn
on 1/5/14 11:50 pm - Windsor, Canada

Consider this your new super power.  It's great that you are now going to fuel your body with nutritious foods and no more junk :-).you have control and it's a wonderful thing. I'd give my right arm to be back there!!  

It will get easier I promise!

All the best


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 1/5/14 11:58 pm - Toronto, Canada

It's an odd feeling, isn't it? Right now getting in  your protein is your job. Sadly, this won't last. You will like food again....and then there will be that to struggle with. Sounds odd right now, but it's true. And a lot of us went through this. I miss not caring about food. Honestly! It will get better, and you will be telling this to someone two months out.....a year from now...even six months from now.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/6/14 12:43 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Unfortunately this will pass. You will again like and crave food. Right now it is important for recovery that you get your protein in. Perhaps making a menu for the day would help and try to stick to it.





on 1/6/14 12:43 am, edited 1/6/14 12:45 am - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

I understand the feeling I felt the same way however, I knew I had to eat so I started to research recipes and cooking different things. I made one meal for the family and had something different for myself.  

It is funny how our tastes buds change there were things I did not like before WLS that i like now and your best bet is to make meals for yourself and put them in fridge and freezer.

For the first few months I lived on eggbites and wonton mini cupcakes because I could cook few dozen of them and put in freezer and they were bite size and would fill me up. The best is to have small things made that you can eat yourself.

Here are some sites to go to that have great  ideas,, FB has a page called "HEY WLSers What Are You Eating today?" people post what they are eating along with recipes and pictures.

A lot of it is trial and error cook something try a bit and if you don't like it try something else also go out of your comfort zone a bit from what you are use to eating.

Also 1000 calories at 2 months out is a lot to eat I was only eating 500-700 for the first 4-5  months and gradually increased it. Just make sure to focus on protein and fluids.

Go to the sites I included they really do help and in time things will get better.


Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 1/6/14 1:28 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13

I hear ya.

I am almost 2 months post op... Food doesn't taste different but it doesn't taste the same either.  I don't get that satisfied feeling, full feeling or that was so good feeling I want more.  Now it is more like is this going to stay down or is it going to hurt... if it doesn't I call it a win.  Meats do not feel good in general, I did find a chicken recipe that worked finally.  Cooked veggies I do well with (except corn) I love me some mashed up sweet potato but I can't eat just carbs.  So it's cheese, eggs, yogurt and milk like stuff since I am also lactose intolerant.

As for 1000 calories... I have not had that since before optifast.  My plan is to try and get 60 grams of protein in.  Everyday is new and a chance to start fresh, making a menu for the work week is helping.  I only get time for breakfast during my work week,  so I have to plan or I will fail.  I average 500 - 700 calories a day and about 45 - 55 grams of protein.  This week if I eat everything I have planned for I will get my protein in... I have added edamame to help boost the protein numbers.

This is why I love this forum, I like to read what is working and what is not and the support.  Right now my kitchen is more like a lab I experiment in.  Trust that it will get better and you are not alone.


Referral sent - Jan 11/13  Orientation - Apr 4/13  Nurse & Dietitian - Apr 8/13 (287 lbs)   Food Class - Apr 10/13  Social worker - Apr 29/13   Nurse, Dietitian & Social worker - Jun 3/13 (284 lbs)   Meet Surgeon - Oct 31/13 (277 lbs)   Post-op food class - Nov 4/13   PATTS - Nov 6/13 & Nov 15/13   Surgery - Nov 19/13 (264 lbs)


on 1/6/14 7:09 am - Canada

I was exactly the same!  the thought of food made me feel sick.  Foods that I really loved to eat seemed simply disgusting.  I had a tough time figuring out what to eat and sometimes I would spend a half hour making dinner only to find I couldnt eat it after.  One time I was driving home from work thinking about what the heck I could make for dinner.  I had it in my head that I should order veal parmagiana which I could make into 3 dinners.  I got hom and ordered it but by the time it arrived it seemed so awful that I put it in the fridge and it sat there til i threw it out.  The only thing I could count on was Greek Yogourt and the best one I found was Skotidakis from Rabba.  When I reached the six month mark things changed a bit.  There are still foods I just can't eat and don't feel very good in my stomach - eggs and bread or toast or anything made from wheat - although crackers and cheese leaves me with a good feeling!  I can tolerate all vegetables and all fruits but the rest of the stuff is tricky - I will like it one day and not the next.  Try to get in your protein because it is most important and your stomach is still healing so you really need it!   It will change in time but I know a few people who are years from their surgery and they still don't tolerate certain things.  Hang in there - you're doing great!!

on 1/7/14 11:10 pm

i am 4mos out and feel exactly the same! no food interests me, and most of it actually turns me off. when someone in my house is cooking, i feel like i want to barf. when i taste something that i think i want to eat, it doesn't taste good. i have been advised by my NUT to cut my shakes down to 1 and to try to get most of my protein by food but it's just not working. i find i am still doing at least 2 shakes per day because i just cannot stomach the food. i made eggbites on the weekend and got very excited at the prospect of eating them but they made me sick at work yesterday. what a terrible feeling! i am getting discouraged and so bored of greek yogurt. when i look in the fridge the only thing that i know i can keep down is milk and yogurt.

i get NO enjoyment from food at all anymore. i don't want to go out to eat, i don't want to try anything new for fear of it making me sick, and i don't like cooking anymore because the smells make me nauseated. *sigh*

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