winter in the north nsv!!

on 1/4/14 3:29 am - elliot lake, Canada
I live in northern ontario...and as with many towns we got a major dumping of snow last much in fact i got stuck three times on my way to work lol...actually it wasnt funny it was aweful!! But apon returning.home.after 10:30 am, i saw how snowed place was...after just shy of 4 hours i am now finished shovelling, this time last year i would have trudge thru the snow into my house and let my dh do it (nice wife right??) not this time!! I beat the snow!! Snow 0 me 1!! Victory!!


Caroline K.
on 1/4/14 5:25 am

Congratulations, that's awesome!

on 1/4/14 6:07 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

That's awesome. Hope you are not too sore tomorrow from all that shovelling





on 1/4/14 7:06 pm - elliot lake, Canada
My arms r a touch tender this morning lol


on 1/4/14 9:40 am - Moose Factory, Canada

Awesome should be soooo very proud of yourself....came out yesterday ...the highways are dreadful ...more snow on the way so don't retire that shovel..LOL...have a great week and stay safe!!



Orientation - Feb. 19 & 20/13 - NP,Nut, Psych, - Mar. 14/13 - Sleep Study - Mar. 24/13 - OTN with Dr. Sullivan - June 28/13  On my way!!! Preop Sept 25/13  -  SURGERY OCTOBER 22/13!!!!!!!!

It's not how you start this's how well you finish it...& I plan to finish it with gusto!!!!












on 1/4/14 7:07 pm - elliot lake, Canada
Plz drive carefully!! We r expecting another large storm..sudz is in a storm


on 1/4/14 11:38 am - Canada

Reporting from Thunder Bay I moved the white stuff for an hour and a half today it felt good, we will be heading back into our deep freeze-28 tonight will feel much colder with windchill..... I can't believe how cold it has been, and we have more snow than I think we had all last winter.  I have been off work since the 20 th and am looking forward to getting back but so dreading the continued cold and snow as my snow banks are getting high.

congrats on your victory

 Respectfully Jane
on 1/4/14 7:13 pm - elliot lake, Canada
Same with us here in elliot lake...we have way more snow now then we had all last year....i shovel my drive and deck every snow fall...but yesterday was insane!!! My driveway had drifts in it over 3 feet high!! Omgeeee come on summer!!!


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