
Charlene Straus
on 1/3/14 9:35 am - Mississauga, Canada

Hi everyone!

I've not been on, for awhile. Between work and grandkids, it's been insane. I became grandma again, on Wednesday morning, at 1:18 am, for the 8th time. A beautiful baby boy. However, I've not been able to go see him, because, since my surgery, in September, I have had several UTI's and am on my 2nd bout of pneumonia, in a month. Has anyone else been seeing an uptake in infections, since surgery? Also, beginning to wonder if antibiotics are like supplements...our bodies don't absorb like a person that has not had bariatric surgery and maybe I should be getting a double dose? I welcome any and all thoughts. Oh yeah...I'm down 71 lbs, my 3 month glucose is 5.3 and my blood pressure is 109/59. Yep, I'd do it again.



Karen M.
on 1/3/14 9:05 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Sorry to hear about your recurring illnesses. It may well be worth a discussion with your family doc regarding the absorption of meds since your WLS. Your body is still healing from the trauma of surgery and rapid weight loss, so you may be more prone to illnesses and infections while your defenses are low. Good luck and good health!

P.S. You may want to consider a pneumonia shot along with your flu shot NEXT year.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 1/3/14 10:17 pm
RNY on 06/06/13

Hope you feel better soon !!!! 


on 1/3/14 10:36 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I had a recent sinus infection. It also took two doses of anti-biotics. They changed it the second time and the second one worked better. Hope you feel better soon. Congrats on being a grand mother again. Nothing moire joyful than babies. Also congrats on your loses You are doing great





on 1/3/14 11:36 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/13

First....congrats on your grandbaby!!


I also have pneumonia right now.  I've been very sick the past few weeks. I definitely feel like my defenses are down as I am getting EVERY bug my kids come home with.  I am on a liquid antibiotic twice per day. It seems to be working, but man is it doing a number on my bowels....sorry for too much information. LOL I've never had side effects from antibiotics, but this one is terrible.  Spent over 12 hours in the ER last week with my oxygen level at 90%. NOT FUN! I hope you feel better soon hun!!

Referral Sent: Jan. 2013, Orientation: Mar. 2013, Social Worker: Jun. 2013 Nurse: Jul. 2013, Nutrition Class: Aug. 2013, Dietician: Aug. 2013, Psych: Aug 2013  Surgeon: Oct. 2013, PATTS: Nov. 2013 SURGERY: Nov. 7th 2013!!!


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