3 month update - onderland and some nsv's!

on 1/2/14 1:22 am - Ancaster, Canada

I don’t post too often but I do read a lot and I love to read people’s updates and successes so I thought I would do a 3 month update (surgery was October 4).  Just got back from my appointment and everything is going well, I have been able to tolerate all foods, I haven’t eaten anything off plan so no idea if I dump (and don’t plan on finding out)!  I have been eating between 600-800 calories a day and 60-80 gm protein.  They told me today to increase to 800-1000 calories and add in more carbs and fats but I am skeptical… lol

Anyways, here are some of my successes…

Starting weight was 257, current weight is 198 (I am 5’3”).  I wanted to be at 60 lbs lost but I will take 59!!

I went on a shopping spree to the US on the weekend and I did all of my shopping in regular stores, banana republic, gap, bcbg, anywhere I wanted I could go in and find something to fit me! All of my tops were size L or M (started at 1-2x). My pants were all size 12 or 14 (started at 18-20).  I had to be picky with what to purchase because I didn’t have to buy something just because it fit me, I had lots of choices!!!

I can cross my legs and I sit that way all the time now

I joined a gym and exercise 3-4 days a week, and it doesn’t hurt

I can run up the stairs and chase after my kids

So far I don’t have any negatives, I am sure there will be lots of challenges ahead but so far I have been very lucky and it has been smooth sailing.  I was only sick once when I was about 2 weeks out when I ate too fast (so I have been careful since then).  I follow the rules and so far so good!  I know I still have a long way to go but I can’t believe how much better I feel in only 3 short months! 

To all of those who are waiting, be patient, read lots, change little things.  I was approx. 16 months from referral to surgery so I know waiting can be frustrating but take the time to prepare, it is worth the wait! 



Robyn R.
on 1/2/14 1:26 am - Bowmanville, Canada

Thanks for the update Carla.  I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well.  I start Opti in 5 days with surgery in 19 Days.  It either has not sunk in yet or I am so at peace with the decision for surgery that I can not explain how I feel

I know the hardest part of the journey is about to begin.

Enjoy your new life!

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14


HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 1/2/14 2:19 am - Canada

Hey Carla!

Glad to hear things are going well for you!  Things for me are going quite well too!  I started at 356 and I am now at 271 (down 85lbs) and I feel great!  I've been able to eat everything with the exception of red meat... it just doesn't sit well at all.  I was wondering how you made out... last time I saw you was in the hospital a few days after surgery.... and things weren't going so well for you.

Thanks for the update and keep up the good work.




on 1/2/14 3:19 am - Ancaster, Canada

HI John!  Glad things are going well for you too!  Yes, I was jealous as I saw you leaving the hospital...lol.  They kept me in for a couple extra days to do some tests to make sure I didn't have a leak or stricture because I had severe nausea that the gravol wasn't helping.  Luckily everything was fine and I didn't have a problem again after I left the hospital!

on 1/2/14 2:39 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad all is going well. Hope you did not buy too much because before you know it they will not fit either. LOL





on 1/2/14 5:24 am - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 01/08/14

Hey carla glad to hear that ur on the right track my surgery is in 6 days and i am around the same weight as what u started at so im happy to see u posting and that this surgery has helped you...hope you keep up the good work and keep posting...


Referral sent: Aug/30/2013 Orientation: September/24/2013 Nurse Appointment: September/30/2013 Social worker Appointment: October/7/2013 Psychologist Appointment:Oct/11/13 Dietician Appointment:Oct/21/13 Nutrition Class: Oct/29/2013 Surgeons Appointment: Nov/22/2013 PATTS: December/13/2013 Surgery date: January/08/2014

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