0melet question and the plight of food intake

Mary Gee
on 12/29/13 9:07 am

So, so true -- luckily the info we need is out there -- we just have to make the effort and find it!   Luckily, everyone here shares.  


      Still learning.  Currently in pre-op stage.


on 12/30/13 12:23 am

i can totally relate. i am so uninterested in food now, its hard to get my minimum 60g in per day.

Im 3mos out and initially i was told to try to aim for 80-100g through food but there was no way i could do that because most things do not agree with me anymore. At my 3mo checkup they told me to lower my expectations to 60g through food with only one shake. its tough most days, i can't do chicken, turkey, deli meats, rice, bread, pasta and most fruits. that leaves me with very few options.

Eggs are one of the few things that i CAN eat, but boy am i sick of them. poached, scrambled, or in an omelet, just blah!

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