0melet question and the plight of food intake
on 12/29/13 1:37 am
hey -- thanks for this. i use to love cooking quinoa w/ curry powder. or the quinoa salad they sell at cosco. for some reason i was scared to buy it last week -- in case it gave me killer acid issues. i had a bad episode with oatmeal and ever since i have been scared to try certain things.
i actually have a small bag of quinoa left. i think i will try it with some curry powder and raisins today and see how it goes down (i'm a fan of most things indian). my mom use to make a salad with chopped pine nuts and feta cheese and cranberries.
thank so much. ;)
on 12/29/13 12:58 am - Canada
I buy those eggs in a carton...duh they all come in a carton, lmao. The liquid eggs in a milk carton. I use 1/4 cup and then add whatever I want. It's says it's equal to 1 egg.
For those who have a problem with Pasta/rice etc......I found my new FAVorite store ever...and it's in Toronto so I just went there in person....but they ship too. I went there 2 weeks ago and went nuts. They have a 0 calorie, 0 carb...0 everything pasta. I have a bag in my fridge I haven't tried yet so it might be awful but I have heard good things about it. It's called Zeroodle....maybe someone here has tried it?? but I will link the the page below. Check out the store it has lots of great stuff and lots of 0 cal stuff. Anyway, might be a good way to get your pasta fix but with zero calories =)
Zeroodle (Low Carb Canada) - http://www.lowcarbcanada.ca/Zero-Carb-Calories-Gluten-Free-Z eroodle-Shirataki-Noodles-s/2052.htm
on 12/29/13 1:39 am
lol -- too funny, 2013!
thanks for the link. can you remember to send me a pm when you have tried this stuff out?
the part in the product description that says it swells in your stomach and cleans out your stomach scares me a bit. perhaps it is not as bad as i am envisioning.
on 12/29/13 7:40 am
alas, i measured out .5 cup and it was such a massive amount of food (even on the desert-sized plate i now use)! ended up only eating .4 cup. the fat girl in me still itches when i take food out - thinking it isn't enough. until i start eating and my new stomach tells me otherwise. too funny.