0melet question and the plight of food intake

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/13 10:48 pm

This question is directed to those who eat omelets:

How many eggs do you use?  if you use more than one, are you able to eat the whole omelet in one sitting?

I made an old cheddar (1 tbsp shredded) and tomatoes (1/2 medium tomato) omelet with 2 large eggs.  Only ate half of it.  Extremely satisfying.  Cooked it until slightly moist.  The tomato added nice liquid so it wasn't too hard on the tummy.  

I feel like I have sort of hit a wall when it comes to my eating.  Either things are too hard/heavy or things are not filling/satisfying.  Only 2 months out.  

Do things get any easier?

on 12/28/13 10:55 pm - elliot lake, Canada
i can only eat 1 egg in a sitting, and tht usually doesnt even happen, i find them very dense....i eat alot of veggies, lean turkey lunch meat, or lean chicken, i think the only starches i eat r rye bread toasted (half a slice) and rice...a small amount. i have a recipe for omletes in my rny instruction package from my hospital, ill message it to u when im home from work, funny gow ppl r different tho...anything tomato bothers my stomach :)


(deactivated member)
on 12/28/13 11:04 pm, edited 12/29/13 12:13 am

Hey --

thanks for the response.  I would totally appreciate that recipie.  Please do send it out to me.

The last time I tried egg was poached at about the 3 week point.  I gagged.  The omelet thing just came to mind this morning and it really sits well.  I am just worried that if I eat it too often I am going to get turned off of it - then I will be back to having no satisfying food options.

I made a rice dish yesterday (sort of like a Jambalaya).  It was soo delicious ... but each rice grain felt like a stone sitting in my stomach.  So sad really.  I know pasta and rice don't sit with me well anymore -- but i am having difficulty finding decent alternatives as i now go beyond broth and greek yoghurt for my main meals.

on 12/28/13 11:50 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Pasta and rice do not sit well with me either, but egg noodles sit pretty well. I use the egg noodles for stirfry and as a pasta.

Just a idea, but maybe try them. :)










(deactivated member)
on 12/29/13 12:23 am

hey tanya!  thanks so much for the heads up on egg noodles.  funny you mentioned it -- my dad just suggested it yesterday for me and promised to give me a bag of it today for me to try with chicken thighs (the only type of chicken i can tolerate).

2 weeks ago i was taken to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch.  i ordered one of their vermicelli vegetable soups.  it was sooo delicious ... but i was terrified to eat the noodles in case it made me feel odd.  i did have a few strands and they went down sooo easy.  i was surprised.  but i think those were rice noodles? 

i remember at my 1 month group follow up at TWH, there was a woman there who vented at how sick she was of eating.  how she would sit in front of a meal -- all excited to enjoy it - only to be able to eat a couple of spoons before she was full or felt sick.  she said she was fed up with eating.  i totally understood how she felt then ... and, sadly, i still do.  the mental angst that goes in to preparing food only to not be able to eat it b/c it doesn't sit well or makes me want to gag is rather frustrating.  i am finding it mentally  exhausting.

my taste buds and scent detectors are ****** up -- nothing tastes or smells right.  i tried peanut butter on melba 2 days ago and it was disgusting.  i'm just tired right now.  

i have gotten over the slow weightloss phenomena as i know it is classically indicative of a VSG -- and I am actually quite ok with this -- but i seem to be getting *NO* satisfaction in eating anymore.

it is so true that after this surgery i have only been eating to live ... certainly not living to eat.  ce la vie!?

on 12/29/13 5:08 am - Newmarket, Canada

I can often only eat one egg, depending on what else I am having. I hAte poached eggs. Never ate them before my RNY but thought I would try them after... GRROSSS! 

Also, you can make egg bites! They can be frozen and you can make them with whatever you like!! They are mini crustless quiches. Michelle, a fellow WLS gal has a blog you should check out ;)    http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.ca/ .. she has many great recipes! 

Also, check this site out... another fellow WLS gal, Katherine ( I know her personally, great person!) http://geokatgirl.wordpress.com/ She makes soooo many yummy things! 

Aaaand, check out Elina's blog! I browsed thru her blog the other day and I will be making some things in preperation for my PS.... http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/elina_7/blog_page,7/

On Tracey's signature, she has a recipe site ... http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/welcome/ join here, it's many of the members from the Ontario forum ;) Awesome recipes!!


As for rice and pasta... it's not even worth it for me to make it anymore. When I eat rice, I can only eat one or two spoonfuls and I am FULL! I find, for me, that chicken fried rice from a chinese restaurant, sits better in my tummy. As for noodles.. in small amounts, chicken lo mein sits the best, for me. 

(My bro-in-law made spaghetti for our christmas dinner. Needless to say, I was not very happy about it cuz I generally don't eat that stuff. I had 2 forks of noodles and felt ill. My hubby ended up eating my dinner) 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


(deactivated member)
on 12/29/13 6:16 am

this is great, leanne - thank you so much for the links.  i will join tracey's site .... i really need the recipies.  i had looked up on indigo.ca and found an ebook specifically for baritrtic patients.  everything was measured out into portions just for us -- which is TOTALLY AMAZING.  alas, one needs an ebook to get it and it is not available as a hard copy.  i am actually tempted in buying a kobo tomorrow just to gain access.  silly, i know. 

on 12/29/13 6:21 am - Newmarket, Canada

you're welcome :)

A kobo may come in handy, if you like to read alot and whatnot. 

Other then pasta and rice and stuff... I just make everything then portion it out. I have LOTS of cookbooks and google different recpies.. another site I like is allrecipes.com. It has many low carb ideas as well

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


(deactivated member)
on 12/29/13 7:36 am

so funny you mention portioning things out ... i did this (and still do this) but was given a warning at my 1 month TWH session:  leftovers can be very hard on our stomachs.  The heating up process dehydrates the food -- making it more difficult for us to process.  damnit -- but so true!  so tonight, i had quinoa and chicken breast pieces.  i had to heat up the chicken in the micro.  when it is cold, it is soft and moist and yummy.  after heating it up, it turned tough and i really wasn't able to eat the portion i was hoping to digest.  this is exactly what the dietician told us.

boxing day i defrosted and mircoed a homemade chicken soup i stored in the freezer -- it came out tasting as fresh as the day i made it.  yesterday i heated up turkey pieces in gravy on the stove top and that kept the meat from drying out ... but not everything i will want to eat can be heated with a sauce.

unless people have tips on how to heat stuff up w/o drying it out -- i'd  love to hear that.


on 12/29/13 7:39 am - Newmarket, Canada

I am thru TWH too... and I agree with that statement. Sometimes I have issues. I try to really watch. 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


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