What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 12/21/13 6:50 pm

RNY  4 Years 8 Months Post Op


Survived the terrible drive last evening...the power went out on the hosts .....I felt sorry for them......we saw the transformer blow just before we arrived....needless to say we didn't stay long and then began the torturous ride home....

Today....big family gathering with Santa and too many gifts.....I have my eats planned.......and water water water....lol


Weighed myself this morning and I am back up the 3 pounds I lost....actually thought it would be more with all the eating out .....I am not changing my re-gain ticker....this will be gone by Tuesday morning  


STEPS - 7980



B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - Elina's green chicken soup


 S - Elina's green chicken soup


D - Elina's green chicken soup

     5-6 shrimp with sauce


S - Ham and cheese roll up made with honey ham - light swiss cheese slice and sugar free pickle


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 800,  Carbs - 48 grams,  Fat - 16 grams,  Protein - 114 grams ( this is really too much protein....but only for a few days while I get the carbs/sweets out of my system again)


All water....2-3 litres - plus decaf coffee and tea....all vits

Have a great one   mail






on 12/21/13 9:13 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

17 Days Post Op

Steps – 1769 – my two incisions is starting to hurt again?? One has what looks like a piece of fishing line poking out of it :P  Been dry coughing all day so I have to hold my gut when I do that – ick!

Sleep 7 hrs 59 minutes  

B- 1 egg, ¼ c milk, melba toast 2, 1 slice of maple leaf natural selections ham (an omelette i guess)

S- 1/2 c cottage cheese

Lunch – 1/2 c beef stew

S- Premier Protein Shake

D- Mexican Delight, 2 soda crackers

Calories  627  Carbs  45    Fat  18    Protein  70  Sodium  1997  Sugar 16


Be safe on the roads!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 12/21/13 10:06 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Glad you got home safe last night Barb. I was going to walk my dog yesterday morning but didn't get far. The sidewalks were just too icy. So my steps are not great. Finally wear my fit bit then do not go far. LOL

Today we are suppose to drive to Pickering to my sisters for a Christmas gathering with her family, my kids and my brother. We are watching the weather and reports of roads. A little worried my son is suppose to drive from Toronto west end to Brampton then to Pickering. Hope the roads are clear.

No idea what is for dinner but last year it was Shepherds Pie so I have put that in. I will probably have one treat as well so have kept my calories low.

Better hit my bike today as well

b granola, yogurt, cranberry cracker

l salad with chicken

d Shepard's pie, salad

cal 839 carb 58 prot 53





on 12/21/13 11:14 pm


The roads aren't great....I tried to go to my fitness club but turned around at the end of our street.....went to the basement and on to our treadmill....I haven't used it in years but it still worked well.....25 minutes at an elevation of 3 and speed o***** a good sweat going






on 12/21/13 11:19 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Good for you...don't give those 3 pounds a home!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


Onward and

on 12/21/13 11:22 pm, edited 12/21/13 11:22 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning Barb and everyone.  Glad you made it driving yesterday, must have been terrible.  We were supposed to leave town today to visit relatives but that's not going to happen.  Maybe we'll go tonight if things clear up.  I've also come down with a lovely Christmas cold which has sapped my energy.

Not a whole lot of food in the house since we're going away for a week, but I have some ricotta and berries to use up, so today's menu is going to look a little repetitive.  I've actually been doing pretty well lately even though I haven't been tracking much or had time to post here.  I finally broke out of the 180's today and am 179 this morning.  Despite not tracking, I've been careful of portion sizes and watching the protein and that seems to have kept me going.  But I still feel I want to get back to tracking regularly.

I made a career decision recently that I've been pondering for a while.  Instead of keeping my current, high-stress and higher-paying job (which is currently a temporary position, but if I apply for the permanent position I would most likely get it), I'm going to go back to my lower-paying, less stressful home position.  I agonized over this decision for a couple of months because it hurts to give up the money, and it would be nice to pay down our debt as quickly as possible.  But the lower-paying job pays well enough too, and I will have more time to track my food, cook proper meals in the evenings, go swimming in the mornings on the way to work, look after my son, and most importantly, I will not be having sleepless nights and a constant upset stomach worrying about work.  I won't be able to go back to the old position for a while - probably not until at least March - but just seeing a light at the end of the tunnel is very helpful.  Barb, I know our situations aren't the same since you are at a different time in your life and our finances are probably quite different, but I have still found your journey and your prioritizing of your health and yourself to be inspirational and has helped me to make this decision for myself.  So thanks for that - you never know who you're helping when you share!


B - 1/2 cup of ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix topped with fresh raspberries

S - 1 clementine, and a few mixed nuts from the shell

L - 1/2 cup of ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix topped with fresh raspberries

S - Yin Yang soyfood ready-to-eat tofu snack - I forget the portion size, but one serving

D - I'll be grabbing whatever - a clementine, perhaps some more mixed nuts from the shell, a bit of the Caesar salad I'll prepare for my kid and husband, and probably more ricotta/vanilla/splenda with raspberries.  Some of this will probably be spread out into evening snack as well since that's a lot to eat at once.

TOTALS: 67g protein, 46g fat, 47 carbs, 17g fiber, 920 calories

Hmm, those totals aren't wonderful, but probably accurate.  Well, I'll have better totals for the rest of the week since we'll likely be eating meaty dinners most nights with the relatives.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/21/13 11:49 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

It takes a lot of courage to quit a great job in order to be happy and healthy 

I left a great job with benefits a stock plan and super pension in order to do something I've always wanted to do. I have never looked back!

Good luck to you!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


Onward and

on 12/22/13 4:07 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
Thanks Jo. And look at you, 17 days out from surgery! I really need to catch up with what is happening around here... :) Luckily I really liked the previous job I'm going back to, so it isn't a leap into the dark or anything. Just a rather large drop in pay and status. But I am at peace with that. I'd rather work to live than live to work. Thanks for your encouragement and best of luck getting through your first few weeks after surgery!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/21/13 11:56 pm

I can sure understand agonizing about the decision....it has to work for you and for your life....sounds like you have made a good choice.....I wish you all the best Michelle going forward!!!






Onward and

on 12/22/13 4:02 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
Thanks Barb, I really appreciate your encouragement!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


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