You've GOT to be kidding!

on 12/9/13 3:19 am

I finally got a call back from my GP's office today, 1 month after he said he would do the referral to the registry.  He hasn't done it yet!

The "referrals department" will be reminding him again (2nd time), but now it's doing nothing but adding more and more delays..

What other options are there to get the referral if your PCP/GP drags their butt in doing the referral (this is the same guy who made me wait 2 years (he said 3, but I think it was 2) playing with vitamins etc before finally agreeing to the referral...

Any thoughts?  (and sorry for the vent)


on 12/9/13 3:32 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Find a new doctor!





on 12/9/13 4:29 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13































































































































































































































































































on 12/9/13 3:58 am

Exactly my thoughts.


This doctor obviously does not care if he/she is putting off sending this information in.  Time to find someone that will.

on 12/9/13 4:39 am - Canada
VSG on 10/30/13

I think your doctor needs to improve his services for sure.  But i also know that in my area it is almost impossible to find a new doctor...I am not sure about your's.  I would just keep calling the office...sometimes the squeaky wheel gets things moving.  If it takes much longer i would suggest going to a clinic to see if a doctor there would refer you...I have heard of someone else doing this.

Best of luck :)


Referral Feb 2012, Orientation at Guelph Nov. 29/12, RN, SW and NUT Feb. 13/12, 2nd RN, SW and NUT April 26/13, Dr. Agarwal May 7/13, SW May 22/13. HW 334lbs, CW 269 lbs. Post-op nutrition course August 1/13, Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Sept 9/13, PATTS Oct 9/13, Opti Oct 16/13, Surgery Oct 30/13.

on 12/9/13 5:31 am

Thanks all.. The issue I have had with finding a new family doctor, is that due to the "other" issues I have (BP, Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea etc), I didn't want to be without a family doctor. You can't get on the referral list without ending your relationship with your family doctor.

I actually found a new clinic the next town over that is accepting new patients - I'm going there tonight to sign up, and make an appointment. No more driving 2 hours (each way) to see my family doctor.

Also to light a fire (maybe he will still do the referral, God only knows), I'm also filing a complaint against him with the college of physicians, for letting his personal beliefs delay his patient receiving quality care. Honestly, I doubt it'll go anywhere, but it may get his attention that he needs to start doing what he says he will do...


on 12/9/13 6:29 am - Canada

Josh I am sorry to read the troublel you've had with your physician. I'm glad you are filing a complaint. I hope you get the referral asap!


Surgery date is Oct. 17th, 2013 in Ottawa. I was referred to the clinic in September 2012. The person performing my surgery is Dr Amy Neville. 


on 12/9/13 7:25 am - Canada

Wow that's not good, but glad you will get it sorted out.  Definitely take it to the CPSO because it's a form of discrimination - when doctor's dont' take you seriously or treat you differently because of your size.  Sometimes it's a cultural thing, but it should all be about YOU not them.

I had my referral drag out too because my GP did it wrong the first time.  Everything happens for a reason however, and I am now one week post op and doing fine.  Your time will come!  Be strong!

Best of luck to you.




on 12/9/13 9:16 am - Canada

josh, Good for you. I was all ready to encourage you to do just that. My hat goes off to you. Obviously your GP isnt't up on co- morbidities related to obesity and the WHOLE process that went into creating the registry in the first place to better serve obese Ontarians.

Perhaps he has a God complex and  feels empowered by being able to make decisions for you, about your body!

No GP has that right, no GP should EVER deny a referral for ANY reason.

Way to go!




on 12/9/13 9:30 am

I kept asking my family Dr for a he sends me to a Dr that performs lap-band surgery. I even went in with all the info from the Ontario Registry....numbers/website/step by step on how to do referral ect.  He then sends me to the Wharton Clinic for weight management. I had been waiting months, asking him if it was sent, he told me it was, I asked if he was SURE it went thru, he told me it did. Well that was September2012. I finally asked Dr Wharton about surgery and he said he would send the referral in. 2 weeks later I got my letter for orientation!!!! I don't really blame my Dr, he is in his early 70's and comes from a different era. I know we filled out the questionnaire together so I don't think it went thru properly and he just didn't know. Im so glad that I kept at it.....Good luck! 

Referral~March 5/13 Orientation~Apr 24/13 SW~June 10/13 RN~Aug 7/13 Sleep Clinic~ Aug 16/13 Sleep Dr~ Sept 3/13 Nut Class~Oct 1/13 Dietician/2nd Sleep Clinic~Nov 1/13 Psych~Nov 8/13 2nd Sleep Dr~Dec 3/13 Surgeon~Dec 6/13 Surgery~Apr 15/14

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