the best NSV so far (kinda long)
You go girl!!! The Bible clearly says there is a time for anger, sweetness ect. Even Jesus whipped the money changers out of the Temple. You should never expect to live under those conditions. I have a neighbor that I believe deals drugs. I have called the cops on him so many times he threatened to sue me. I told him to bring it on. We have enough stress in our lives without having to put up with that kind of foolishness. Like you,enjoy a quite evening at home with my family and two little dogs. Disturb my peace and the boys in blue will come calling. Hang in there and don't hesitate to call 911 if it happens again. If he i****ting her he will go directly to jail.
Neighbours can be great, or they can be awful. Hopefully your neighbour situation gets sorted out! I've never felt like I needed to call the cops before, as things never escalated to violence (at least not when I was home) but definitely the next time they fight and I sense things escalating I'll just call the cops and let them handle it!
Sorry to hear you are having to live under such horrible living conditions...i understand because i live in a basement apartment myself...i agree with libra 1 maybe you should find a new apartment its not worth living under stress...happy for you getting your confidence and voice you remind me so much of myself i am as well a quite person and not wanting confrontation but you go girl with your bad self,
Referral sent: Aug/30/2013 Orientation: September/24/2013 Nurse Appointment: September/30/2013 Social worker Appointment: October/7/2013 Psychologist Appointment:Oct/11/13 Dietician Appointment:Oct/21/13 Nutrition Class: Oct/29/2013 Surgeons Appointment: Nov/22/2013 PATTS: December/13/2013 Surgery date: January/08/2014

Haha, thanks Yoyo ;) My parents actually own the house - my dad is our landlord. So I feel like I deserve to stay and they should leave. If it were just any other house I would have moved ages ago for sure. It sounds like my Dad is working on getting things sorted though, after I spoke to him tonight. Either he's looking at evicting them (which he doesn't want to do as they're broke and who wants to put two kids on the street in the winter?) or he's giving them a final warning about the noise and the next complaint he gets he'll look at how to evict them. I think he's meeting them both tomorrow morning for a "discussion". Glad I won't be home!!!
Thanks though, I hope if there's anyone in your life needs confronting you will gain the confidence to do so! :)
Good for you - I agree if it happens again call the cops and tell them everything - how long it has been going on, screaming at kids, fighting, dog crying, all of it. Tell them that you do not feel safe. They will investigate and sort out your neighbours once and for all. In the meantime I would look for another place - sounds like a nightmare apartment to me. Had to call the police on my neighbours once too but I waited too long and just lost it and went over and told them off. They told me that they had friends on the police force so the police would just laugh in my face if I called. Ya, I have lovely people living next door. Anyways, I know what you mean about feeling better for standing up for yourself - good for you! I have never had even one issue with them again, btw, they just do not speak to me, which is just fine :-) So happy to hear that your self-esteem is improving - you go girl!

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
Thanks! Definitely the next call is to the cops. I kind of wish I had done that in the first place, but it was good for me to get my rage out ;) My parents own the house and the rent is practically free for me, so I am trying not to move if I don't have to. If this were any other place I would have been long gone! But it sounds like my Dad is finally taking my complaints seriously (took him long enough!) and is moving to get things sorted out. Fingers crossed it works, whatever he decides. Sounds like your neighbours are a treat too - of course they have friends on the force who'll protect them, *rolleyes* Glad you said something though and haven't had to deal with them again!