am home...(AGAIN)
What a week. So I was in the second week of 2nd phase diet and if some of you members remember reading my last posts can recall that I started having some stomach pains on the 7th and it was pain full to drink anything. So on Monday the 12th, I just decided to go to the Guelph ER since I had the surgery there, that way they can reach my surgeon if there were any complications. I was admitted for dehydration after having not had enough to drink in the four days. I was surprised that I was that dehydrated tbh. I guess it's no joke that you get quickly dehydrated with the new pouch. Come Tuesday morning, the surgeon saw me and decided to do a scope. I wake up two hours later and was told i had an ulcer, say WHATTT!!!! Just shy of three weeks, I had one. I was shocked to have had on to begin with. I thought I was doing everything right. The doc said since I hadn't been drinking much, the blood supply to my new pouch was now being deprived of fluids and stopped healing. So the little fluids I was drinking were irritating the wound, hence the pain. They pumped me with fluids and pain meds, I didn't know whether I was coming or going. Four days in, I was still dehydrated and the doc was not comfortable send me home. Finally today, a week, one day later and a cat scan as well, he felt happy to send me home. I have to have another scope later on, I think in a few months to see if it cleared. The clothes that I had gone to the hospital in where loose. When I wore them to come home today, the were soooo tight, lol. I felt like a ballon ready to pop and I think i gained 30lbs. I'm glad to report that I feel much better now and I hope that I don't have any more set backs. I'm still in a little pain and a bit nauseas but i should be 100% soon and for all the members that have supported me through my journey, thank you.
Thanks for your concern. The doc in Guelph discharges with no meds. He did give me prevacid when i complained about the pain and i have to take it for the next 30 days. It was scary, especially after looking up my symptoms on the internet and finding out a whole list of possibilities that could go wrong after wls. Thank goodness I decided not to wait any longer and I was treated sooner. It could have been nasty. I feel much better now but very full of iv fluids, lol.