Finally Home!
I think it was a bit of nervousness but i am glad i went beforehand because i couldn't go afterwards as a side effect of the anaesthesia (sp)..ended up with a catheter....yuck!
Thank you, in Guelph they do not allow protein drinks etc. to start. They want you to get it naturally and said don't worry about it in the beginning stages. It's funny how the clinics are so different.
It is good to know that everything went well for you. I feel less anxious about my surgery now. I see Dr. Reid at 11 o'clock on Tues. and it is exciting and scary to think that I'll be buying my Opti-Fast. I thought this day would never come. I hope he has a date for me when I see him. I hate the thoughts of waiting for yet another phone call from the clinic. I have some Christmas things that I like to go to in Nov. and I hope I have my date so I can make some definite plans. I will gladly cancel everything to go and have my surgery. It is my #1 top priority and I am putting myself first this time. Heal well, take the time you need to feel strong again, let your family dote on you, read lots of good books while you sip your liquids.
Glad to hear your appointment is on Tuesday. I hope everything goes really well. If you would still like the Opti Fast (chocolate) you can have it for free. Just give me a call. Then you will likely only need to buy three boxes if you are going to be on it for 2 weeks :)