Feel sore, frustrated and defeated
Oh honey, I feel for you. I fell in my garage the long weekend in May 2012 and tore up everything south of the knee one one leg and the knee of the other. I was on crutches (yeah, right, at over 350 pounds) and then limped for months and was sore for over a year and still have problems going down stairs. But I continue to walk as much as I can. Some days I hit three miles. It's been easier since the bypass at the end of July, and I have more to go, but it does get better. My best recommendation if to GET PHYSIOTHERAPY NOW. It really does work. I would have recovered faster had I done it right from the get go.
Everyones recovery is different. Go to physio when you cleared.
Keep it up, ice it and dont keep it completely still.. flex a tiny bit, flex toes a tiny bit
I have a torn liagments and you will be in for a long journey and your knee will never be normal again.
But you can get it close to normal, just follow what they say!!