Garcinia Cambogia
VBG: Dr. Abawi (Bowmanville) Jun-2004. Weight Loss: 237 ⬇ 164 = 73 pounds loss in first year.
Bariatric Network Registry: 19-Aug-2011 Orientation at HRRH: 17-Aug-2012
Consult with Dr. Hagen (HRRH): 29-Aug-2012 Doctor ordered Gastroscopy: 10-Oct-2012
Meetings with Nurse, Vampire, Registered Dietician and Social Worker (HRRH): 24-Oct-2012
Consult with Internist Dr Glazer: 29-Oct-2012 Ordered Cardiac Ultrasound 12-Nov-2012
Met with Dr. Hagen: 12-Nov-2012 Surgery date 19-Feb-2013 (07- Jan-2013 date revised)
Pre-Admission Tests: 10-Jan-2013 Started OptiFast: 14-Jan-2013 Starting Weight: 233
Conversion Surgery VBG ➜ RnY with Dr. Hagen: 28-Jan-2013 Weight day of Surgery: 216