Newbie Questions

on 6/11/13 9:23 am - Toronto, Canada

Hey you!

Just wanted to say Hey! I'm a sorta newbie too! You're gonna love it here, everyone is super kind and helpful!


Referral to Bariatric Registry: April 30th 2013  Orientation:  May 27th 2013   Meet Dr Huynh: June 4th 2013

RD and RN: June 5th 2013  SW: June 11th 2013   Dr Glazer: July 3rd 2013  2nd Meeting with Dr Huynh: July 18th 2013  SW: July 18th 2013 Sleep Test: July 16th  Follow Up With Dr Glazer: July 22nd 2012  Patts: July25th Surgery: August 7th 2013!!!!!!!!!

on 6/11/13 9:38 am

Thanks Bellafeega  I have found everyone very helpful. 

on 6/12/13 1:02 am - Guelph, Canada
RNY on 06/30/15

First, welcome to the forum, there are a bunch of wonderful people here going through/gone through what you have!

It was a longer wait time in Guelph, but I've heard it's much faster now.  I can't relate myself as it took 9 months from referral to orientation, then 2 more months before my 1st appt.  It really isn't that long of a wait if you think about it, do you really want to rush into surgery, it gives you time to research as you've been doing, get your finances together, figure out time off, as well, it gets you to start doing small things now that will help you in the long run once you do have surgery.  I am one who isn't having surgery since at the time of my first appointment, my BMI fell below 40 and I have no co-morbs, do I think I wasted the almost year waiitng no, I didn't I made some changes that "kicked" me out of the running.  I am now in a new program Guelph is offering, it's a non-surgical one, where I'll be on OPTI for 12 weeks but going in for weekly sessions with a social worker, dietician and sometimes doctor.  The whole program is actually 26 weeks long.  They just started this in Guelph in February and are telling us that the success is good.

Again welcome! and can't wait to hear about your journey.


Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things.  It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING  


on 6/12/13 5:37 am

Thanks for the welcome and taking time to reply to my questions.  I have actually already heard about that program with the opti but since you have to go once a week and I live a few hours away it won't really work for me, also I have heard it costs $100 or $120 a week I can't afford that right now either.  So my options are limited.  It does sound like a great program though. 

on 6/12/13 4:49 am - Canada

My referral was sent February 14, my orientation notice came from Guelph 3 weeks later telling me that my orientation was on May 16.  I had my first appointment with the nurse, social worker and dietitian May 28 and a required dietary class on May 29.

I had to wait on getting my results from my sleep study and had to have a few more blood tests done but my next appointment is at the end of July. 

Once u get your orientation package, make sure to get into your GP and start the process for all the blood work and other tests required.  It helps cut down on time.

Good Luck!

on 6/12/13 6:10 am

Thanks for replying,  I have had lots of great people answering my questions.  I was at my family doc for a referral April 15, a week later I was talking to the office and they still where working on the referral since i am the first patient of his who is being referred in Canada so he had to register himself.  He has sent patients to the states in the past before there was many doing it in Canada.  He has gotten notice it am registered and name sent to Guelph  but I still haven't heard anything yet.  I wish I new where I am on the list.  I asked my doc to send me for a sleep study and the blood work but he thinks we should wait  until I get to Guelph and see what we need for sure. 

on 6/12/13 8:54 pm - Canada

I am sure you will get your response about an orientation soon! 

Once this comes in the mail, it will have a list of what tests need to be done.  Take this to your doctor right away, tell him/her that this is what is required of him and he can get these ordered for you. 

Sleep studies are necessary if you have certain factors like neck circumference over 40 (I think), high BP, snore loudly.  There will be a STOP/BANG questionnaire in your package and you can answer the questions on it.  It will tell you if you need one or not. If you do require a sleep study it takes a while to get into it.  I am from the london area and the wait list is quite long. I managed to get into a private clinic (OHIP) covered BUT now I find out the dr. is up on incompetency charges.  So yes start the process as soon as you get that paperwork in your hand. 

on 6/13/13 12:34 am

Thanks for the tips Alysan I will be sure to show it to my family doctor if there is a list of test.  I just measured my neck and it's 45cm.  So I will likely need the sleep test since I also snore (so I've been told lol). 

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