Well. It's been two years! Pics (long post)

on 3/23/13 11:42 pm - Toronto, Canada

Well I simply cannot believe that t years have come and gone since my RNY. So much has happened, mostly for the better. But here's a bit of my story thus far.

In Fall 2009 I re-applied for RNY surgery. I was approved in 2008, but hoped that I could give it one last go, and I lost 50 pounds on my own, but still did not conquer my overeating habits, and put it all back on and more.

My sleep apnea, high blood pressure and borderline diabetes were bad enough, and I threw in some depression as well. My doctor then told me that I was no longer borderline diabetic, but now full on diabetes and guess if I couldn't get my eating under control I would be on insulin, instead of metformin, within a year. She was sad for me, and worried that I wouldn't make it to 50.I was 36.

At the time my husband and I were both unhealthy, in a very unhealthy marriage. We had two little children. I wanted to live. I ate my way through my misery. I decided to apply again (to my doctor's relief....she is the one who suggested the surgery). I applied in November 2009 and approved in January 2010. Then i heard nothing. And I just kept plugging along, and didn't think much of it, assuming the waiting list was long. Then I had my doctor find out what happened with my application, and she called and found out that Toronto Western had the wrong phone number for me, and kept leaving messages on someone else's number! I got in to Orientation in September 2010. Went through all my appointments and met Dr. Aarts on March 18th.

She asked how flexible I was for surgery dates, and I said very. She asked if I could come Wednesday! Four days of Optifast, a quick trip to PATTS on that Monday, and I was on the table on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011! My blood pressure was so high they almost didn't do my surgery, but with some help with the anethesiologist, and some drugs in my IV, we calmed me down enough to bring my blood pressure down from stroke level to, normal high. My surgery went well until the end. As they were doing the last few staples, the staple gun misfired and went through to the wall of my colon. The way it was explained to me is that they had to re-do the last bit of the surgery again, and take out six extra inches of my colon to correct it. My surgery was first thing in the morning, and I didn't get into my room until 4. Every

With the help of the most amazing nursemaid ever (my mom), I got through the first two weeks easily. The next bit was good for food and I felt great. What wasn't working for me is the mourning of my loss of food, and the realization of how much I used food to deal with the issues with my marriage. We sought counselling (for probably the sixth time), and by June we knew it wouldn't work out. 15 years of marriage, and 18 years together.

By 9 months out I was 10 pounds to my personal goal weight (the hospital was happy with my loss). I wanted to have a "normal" BMI. Around the same time my husband moved out. We lived together, seperately, for a few months while he searched for a new place to live. When he moved, I felt out of control, and went through a month of overeating, testing my ability to have sugar and seeing if I dumped (I do, with Easter cream eggs followed by milk anyhow...I don't recommend it). I got help with therapy and learned about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I also learned about my body dysmorphia and how to deal with that.

I always exercised, before surgery, and after. I did a triathlon at 3 months post-op (again, something I don't recommend, as you don't have the reserves and the ability to drink enough water for that kind of activity. I started spinning classes, and other classes. By one year I was close to my goal, and my head was disappointed because I wanted to be at goal by then. I was off all medications, with the exception of one last blood pressure pill. No sleep apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression. All resolved.

Around 9 months I had my first of a few reactive hypoglycemia reactions.  I have to eat every two hours, and since my second surgery, my lows have been frequent again (they were great for months). I'm sure they will level out again.

At 13 months I reached my goal of 135. Then I decided to go to 131, to make for an even 100 pounds lost. I stressed about tryng to get to that number for six months. I started running and the weight dropped off. I sat at 129 for a bit. I had applied for a panni removal in spring 2012. Was approved in January 2013 and had that surgery January 28th, 2013.

At one year my iron was very low that I was sent for iron infusions. I have had four infusions and I go for another in May. I take 2 Feramax a day, and 3 a week before TOM. I'm hoping that the stores get up again so that I won't have to go for more, but it's not that bad to have.

I am now with a new love of my life, and we live together with my two kids, and his two kids. They are 7, 9, 10 and 11. It makes for a crazy life.

I am training for a marathon in the fall. The other day I ran 18km. I'm amazed at the things I can do with my body. And life is pretty darn good.

My weight today is 129. Lowest was 127, and recent high was 134 (which I was not impressed with!!) Number still make me crazy, and I hope to calm down about that some day! LOL. For the most part I stick to the rules. I get over 100 grams of protein a day, and maintain a 1,200 a day calorie level. Sometimes I go over, and those da ys I don't mind as much, especially if i've exercised a lot.

So that's my story, thus far, I hope to keep up with the crazy roller coaster as a post-rnyer.....and it's nice to see that the roller coaster evens out with not as many downs, and more ups!

Sorry that some of the before pics are small. They were recovered from my laptop that fell on the floor.


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 3/24/13 12:02 am

We need to change your screen name to KellyNoBelly333.  Congrats on your success, especially through the challenging times.



on 3/24/13 12:04 am - Canada

Great post...thanks for sharing.  You're an inspiring success for all of us!  You look amazing!

Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
on 3/24/13 12:09 am - Canada
RNY on 09/13/13

WAY to GO !!!!!

Wow, you look marvellous.

Thank you for sharing , you are such an inspiration to us all who are just going through this process.



Ref sent April 2012 - Orientation May 18, 2012 - Blood Work & NP October 9th, 2012 - H.Pylori  December 2012, Tested Positive-Nut & Beh December 6th 2012 - 2nd Nut. February 7th 2013- Pulmonary Function Test Feb 19 2013- Stress test Mar 7,2013-Sleep test March 11,2013- Abd.Us. April 8,2013-Angiogram April 23,2013-Pre-Op Class May 22,2013-Scope May 24,2013-Meet Surgeon May 30,2013-Surgery FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13.

on 3/25/13 12:50 am - Toronto, Canada

Thank you, and good luck with your journey!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 3/24/13 12:26 am - Oakville, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13
Hi Kelly,

Your accomplishments are amazing, physically, mentally and emotionally. Can you share more about the CBT you went through? I'm not looking for gory details but it is something I see as critical to my success in this journey.

What made you decide to seek CBT? How did you find and select a therapist? Were they specialists in WLS or other weight issues? When did you begin therapy? I'm considering looking for a therapist to see while I'm going through the process. Would I be better to wait? My benefits are not unlimited when it comes to psychologist so I'd like to make the best use of the funding.

Anything you are able to share would be wonderful.

Again, congratulations on what you have achieved!



Referral Mar 1, 2013 Orientation Apr 17, NP May 2, SW May 6, Nut May 6, Dietitian June 6, Psych June 18, meet surgeon July 5, PATTS Oct 8, Surgery Nov 19th


on 3/25/13 12:52 am - Toronto, Canada

Hi Lori. I started getting back into old habits, fairly early out (around 9 months). I didn't want to go that route, and it was suggested to me at TWH that I meet with the psychiatrist for counseling. He did a few CBT sessions with me, and I continued on my own. I went through a lot in the first year and needed the emotional help to make it through.

I don't know how difficult it is to get the therapy, but it was deemed necessary for me at the time.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 3/25/13 3:00 am - Oakville, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13

thanks for that - I have been assigned to TWH so I will be sure to speak to them about it as I go through this process.



Referral Mar 1, 2013 Orientation Apr 17, NP May 2, SW May 6, Nut May 6, Dietitian June 6, Psych June 18, meet surgeon July 5, PATTS Oct 8, Surgery Nov 19th


Sylvie G.
on 3/24/13 1:13 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

Wow, you look awesome! Weigh to go. My surgery is in three weeks so seeing your pictures makes me more excited to start my new life. Good for you.

Referral - 12/21/12, Referral Received - 1/10/13, Orientation - 1/21/13, Met Dr. Hagen - 2/20/13, NUT, RN, SW - 3/13/13, Gastroscopy - 3/13/13, Dr. Glazer - 3/21/13, Pick-up Opti - 3/21/13, PATTS - 3/21/13, Surgery - 4/16/13



on 3/25/13 12:53 am - Toronto, Canada

Thank you, and good luck!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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