on 2/20/13 8:07 pm - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12

Seriously i can't seem to leave the 200's...just keep hovering anywhere from 212 to 206 pounds.....why can't i kick these 200's to the curb?


I'm not really sure how to do this but i know i will DO it.......i'm sorry for being so whiny i dont usually post often as i'm a little shy if anyone has any ideas that they would like to share with me i would most appreciate it.



 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


(deactivated member)
on 2/20/13 8:13 pm - Straford, Canada

Once you do, let me know.  I seem to be sitting around 201 which just temps me to do stupid things like dehydrate or stop eating to get below that stupid number, which I am not doing because its just a stupid number!  You are two months after my surgery so not that different in what we can eat, etc.  I have been thinking about going back to first eating basics with rny and that would be the all protein to 80-100g a day before I touch a carb or fat, though I am kinda hungry so not wild about that one.  Keep us posted, please.

on 2/20/13 8:14 pm
VSG on 12/13/12

Are you keeping a food diary?  Sometimes we tend to eat a little more then we think.  The diary keeps us accountable.  Maybe you need to up your protein!  I'm quite new at this so these are only a couple suggestion!  Don't you give up!  This may just be a longer stall!

good luck!



HW: 352.6.  Opti wt: 331,   Surgery wt: 308. CW: 190.4

Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at the moment!!   --Eggface

Laurie C.
on 2/20/13 9:06 pm - Collingwood, ON, Canada

I totally understand, I'm 7 months out and really stuck, got 3 pounds to my first goal and the scale won't budge, I've tried eating more, eating less, moving more, moving less and can't budge it, getting really frustrated.  I keep telling myself I'm building muscle and it weighs more but I'm really not buying that anymore.



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


Julia P.
on 2/20/13 9:08 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/16/12

I totally understand!  I'm trying to get to my first mini-goal 220 (100 lbs lost since my start weight) and it is taking FOREVER!  I swear that somehow the body knows when we're eager to get to a milestone, and messes with us just for fun!  I hope you break through your stall soon!

Referral - December 2011 * Orientation TWH - March 13th, 2012 * Nurse Practitioner - April 17th, 2012 * Nutrition Class - April 17th, 2012 * Social Worker - April 24th, 2012 * Dietician - May 1st, 2012 * Psych - May 1st, 2012 * Surgeon - August 17th, 2012 * PATTS - Sept. 12th, 2012 * SURGERY TEGH, Dr. Cyriac - October 16th, 2012

Starting Weight - 320 lbs   *   Current Weight - 178 lbs  *  Goal Weight - 165 lbs 



on 2/20/13 9:51 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 11/06/12
I fully understand this post. I have been at 207 then it will go up to 210 then 208 then 207 for the few weeks. I just stay focused on my food and protein intake and i know it will go when its ready. just because I am doesnt mean the weight is. Just continue following your program and it wil go good luck to us all .

 Orientation: July 23 2012       Dr Sullivan : August 16, 2012 Dietician, SW, RN, Sept 26, 2012    Dr Sullivan Oct 17, 2012 and pick up Optifast   PATTS: October 24, 2012         Surgery: November 6, 2012. Starting weight 277 surgery weight 268




on 2/20/13 10:05 pm

it took me 2 months to break the 200's---but now things have slowed right down- I just keep on keeping on and try to up my exercise when I can....I know it will happen---just have to have patience I guess...Johanna

referral  Nov 23, 2011 orientation Dec 16   PATT Aug 9 OR DATE Aug. 20, 2012 ACHIEVED CLINIC GOAL Feb. 2013


on 2/20/13 10:37 pm - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12

thank you all for your kind thoughts and suggestions...i do follow the rules of this journey very well..(better than i've followed anything before)..i'm just going to keep on keeping on....i know the inches are coming off and im dropping sizes like crazy....it's just that stoopid number on the scale...thanks again all of you for taking the time to let me know i'm not alone.




 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 2/20/13 11:27 pm - Canada

For whatever it's worth - you might try to keep the allocation of your total calories within these ranges : 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbs.   

Once I started adhering to this carefully, the weight just came off steadily.  The guidelines come from TWH.  I used the FitDay program (online - free) which does all these calculations for you.  The key for me was keeping the carbs at 30% - over this and I stalled no matter the total calories I ate for the day - big OR small. 

This is different from counting the grams because the # of grams can vary depending on how much you are eating that day.  It's all about the mix.

Worked wonders for me!  Good luck.


HW 350  CW 141   Surgery Feb 2011


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