What are you eating/doing today?

Onward and

on 12/30/12 2:15 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Hey Kelly, thanks for starting this!  I was thinking about starting it earlier today but I thought, nah, I'm not going to hog the thread during Barb's absence. :)  I'm back home, so back in the land of not eating as much as I probably should because I'm not spoiled by having a bunch of delicious, already prepared homemade food around!

I just got back from a shopping spree at Pennington's.  They have had a Boxing Week sale where all the clothes (but I don't think the boots or lingerie) are either 25% off or, in some cases, 50% off.  So I cruised the 50% off racks and spent my $240 in gift cards and rewards coupons (built up over a few months) on a bunch of stuff, most of which are in smaller sizes than I take now.  I did get one pair of size 20 jeans that fit perfectly now, and so aren't going to fit in a few weeks - they were 50% off of $55, so I couldn't resist.  So, what I did was to buy three pairs of them, in sizes 20, 16, and 14.  As long as I always have at least one pair of jeans that fits me okay, I should be able to get by with leggings.  The total of my bill came to $246.11, so I only had to spend $6.11 of my own money for three pairs of jeans, one gorgeous "little black dress" (in size 2x - their dress sizes are way smaller than their clothing sizes, so I'm not going to fit in that one for a while, but it will look stunning once I do!), several tops, mostly in 1x (generous fits), a couple of drapey cardigans that will see me through a few sizes, and (oh, I'm so excited about this one) a gorgeous grey blazer in 1x that fits NOW, just barely, but will probably see me down through two or three sizes because it's so nicely fitted.  Wearing it to work on Wednesday!

Anyhow, here are my eats today at almost 8 weeks post-RNY:

B - Premier Protein Shake

L - 2 light babybel cheeses with 5 whole wheat "Paris Toasts" (btw, these are great!  2 grams of protein per 10 little toasts!) and some sliced cucumbers

S - Glass of skim milk, and later, a banana

D - Haven't figured it out yet...something with decent protein.  Maybe some turkey.

S - We'll see if I need the protein.  If not, I usually don't feel like snacking at night anymore.


Oh!  I just remembered.  I was telling the salesperson at Pennington's that I had surgery and so I'm losing weight quickly.  She told me her sister did too.  Then another customer came in and we were browsing near the same racks, and I was joking about how some size 20 customer must have just come in and scooped up all my jeans from the rack.  She then told me that she was finding it hard to look for stuff because she's losing weight.  I said, "Me too!  So I'm buying smaller stuff!"  She said, "Yeah, I had the gastric bypass."  I was like, "ME TOO!"  So we got chatting, and I told her about the east end coffee night.  She apparently goes to the TWH meetings (which I've only been to one of).  I asked her if she was on OH and she wasn't.  But hey, maybe after coffee night we'll see her here. :)  The salesperson then remarked that we should hold a support meeting at Pennington's and her sister could come too.  It was funny.  (I wonder how many WLS folks end up meeting each other in AE and Pennington's!  I should start wearing a button that says, "Ask me about my gastric bypass surgery!")

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/30/12 5:44 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congrats on your great buys. Fun  to shop for smaller stuff





on 12/30/12 3:15 am

Hey guys!

How is everyone keeping track of food, carbs, proteins, grams, calories, etc.....?  I am pretty "low tech" and wondered what the best approach is for me - I don't have an Iphone or any other kind of phone..what are my options?

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 12/30/12 3:24 am - Toronto, Canada
I use MyFitnessPal online and on my phone. I find it the most versatile.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Onward and

on 12/30/12 4:08 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I use My Fitness Pal.  You don't need a phone to use it, just a computer.  Although if you ever get a smart phone, you can then get a free app to use it along with when you use it on your computer.

I did just fine using it on my computer only for a good couple of months.  I've finally installed it on my phone now (didn't like that it spied on every aspect of my phone - too many permissions for my liking, but I sucked it up for convenience).  But you don't have to put it on your phone.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/30/12 5:45 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Spark people is another easy one.





on 12/30/12 4:00 am - Canada

I use My Plate from livestrong.com

I find it easy and I don't have phone capabilities or anything either :)

on 12/30/12 7:20 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

B: 1 slize of whole wheat weigh****chers bread, PB, half a bannana
L: 3oz shawarma beef, 1/4 cup rice and 1/4 cup tabouleh, SF cookie
S: 20 crackers, 2 tbsp hummus, SF cookie
D: 2oz of shrimp, 2oz of scallops, 1/4cup of rixe and 1/4 cup of tabouleh. Like an IDIOT I ate 3 SF cookies for dessert, not even thinking that I had just eaten a cup of food.
S: veggies and dip.


Really hating myself for eating my christmas SF chocolates with practically each meal and snack. For the first time since surgery, i feel out of control. It's not even hunger that's driving me to do it. Really scared and discouraged!

on 12/30/12 9:42 am

Try not to be scared and discouraged.  Most of us had a few bad days.  Pick yourself up and move on.  Reporting on this thread daily can be a real motivator.


All the best!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


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