What are you eating/doing today?

on 12/29/12 10:43 pm - Toronto, Canada
We had guess unexpectedly last night overnight, as their flight to Halifax was cancelled. So I'm not too sure what the plan is today at all. I can't wait for the holidays to be over and regular life to be back!

B: 1/2 scoop of protein in my coffee, and a pure protein bar as I was on the run this morning to see my kiddos (they were in Ottawa with their dad).

And the rest of the day is unknown for eats. I do plan in going for a long run at the gym. Sidewalks are still not cleared. And I'm afraid of injuring myself.

Have a great day everyone!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 12/29/12 11:10 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Went out to dinner last night. they were serving lamb and I was a little worried since I had not had this since surgery. Turns out it was delicious. They also served some great veggies I hadn't had for a while. I think I over ate on veggies. Then they had truffle and a cherry tart. My husband had a serving of truffle and two of cherry tart. Then later he had short bread cookies. He then mentioned he has not gained any weight over the holidays. Grr I hate his metabolism! Fortuately I was so full of veggies and lamb I could not eat another thing.

b. egg and ham

l. turkey soup

s.1/2  protein bar

d. pork tenderloin and veg and salad

s. laughing cow and crackers

Going out shortly for a walk with the dog. I need to buy warmer boots. Can't keep my feet warm





on 12/30/12 12:40 am - Canada
VSG on 06/06/12

Good Morning! 

I am SO late in posting today.....have only just got up after staying up 'til 4am trying to finish reading the "Kill Alex Cross" book by James Patterson...AAArrrggghhh!  The day is half gone already!!

B - Premier choc shake + 1 T Flaxseed

S - 1 Baby Bell light

L - 1 Melba Multifibre Toast spread w/1 T 100% Peanuts PB and topped w/3 Vlasic SF Bread & Butter chips + 1/4 c. Edamame beans

D - 2 oz cooked Chicken breast + 1 T Walden Farms BBQ sauce + 30g steamed spinach + 1 T Flaxseed

TOTALS (per MFP):    548 CAL;    20G CARB;    23G FAT;    66G PROT;    13G FIBER

ENJOY your day Everyone!!  : )   : )


(deactivated member)
on 12/30/12 1:06 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

What did you think of the book?  I am really disappointed in Patterson's books lately.  I just finished the newest Alex Cross and the newest Michael Bennett ones and both were not so great.  The last one from the Woman's Murder Club was no hell either.  I even read a few of his standalone ones that aren't part of any series and they sucked too.

on 12/30/12 10:13 pm - Canada
VSG on 06/06/12

Hi Tracey!!! 

I agree that his books haven't been so GR8 lately.....especially the "co-authored" ones.  However, I do like his short chapters which make for fast-paced reading usually.   

I have a friend who passes on LOTS of books to me.....next in the line up are "Unspoken" by Lisa Jackson and "The Sins of the Father" by Jeffrey Archer (have always luved "his" books!)

BTW....am STILL enjoying my "Firefox" very much, "Thanks" to you, again.  Also, my Brother showed me how to download my CD's onto Itunes and I'm making good progress getting my inventory of about 200 downloaded.  Actually, I'd be making better progress if my Brother wasn't sending me 25-30 emails "everyday"!!!  He saves all the ones he gets over the year, until he goes for his annual 3 month vacation in Mexico....then, he works on forwarding them all on....YIKES!    Normally, drives me CRAZZZEEE when I have more than 10 in my inbox!  Most of them are VERY good however (GR8 variety of topics)  and the rest I delete.  This year, he has.....3,854 to work through!!!   If you ever want to receive a "batch", just send me your email addy OK!?!?  LOL

MY VERY BEST WISHES to you for a WONDERFUL 2013!!!



(deactivated member)
on 12/30/12 10:21 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

The short chapters seem to be what most like about his books.  I wish he'd go back to writing just one good book per year instead of one per month.  The quality is not good at all.  I have the two you mentioned.  Not a Lisa Jackson fan but I do try now and then in case I end up liking her but so far no luck.  I have to read the first one of that series by Jeffrey Archer.  I am trying to get through Book of Negroes but keep putting it down and reading something else instead.  LOL

on 12/30/12 1:02 am, edited 12/30/12 1:07 am - Canada

Afternoon !

B - Premier Protein Shake

S - 2 wasa breads with peanut butter

L - homemade Chili mmmm with a dab of sour cream

S - probably nothing but coffee

D - 1/2 tortilla pizza with leftover chicken on it and 1/2 cup homemade veggie soup

S - nsa jello and whip cream (hello..i needa treat and for 25 cals I can't beat it :) haha)

Cals - 798  Carbs - 52g  Protein - 72g  Sugars 6g. 

I need to adjust what I am eating again.  The carbs are sneaking up past the 50g's I like to keep it at and the protein is falling.  I get tired of eating like I am on the Atkins diet after a while.


Have a great day everyone ! 



Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
on 12/30/12 1:39 am - Ottawa, Canada


Hllo everyone, 2nd day in a row posting to this forum.  Another work day for me, luckily its the last 1 then 2 whole days off yay!! :)


B - slice rye bread with light PB and low sugar strawberry jam

small ice cap this morning to keep me going at work through the morning lol

S - 1 egg scrambled with cheese, orange peppers and 1 slice rye bread with light butter.

L - left over steak from last night, sliced up with spinach, orange peppers and goat cheese with balsamic vin. yummy !!

S - banana choco muffin

D - not sure yet 


Trying for all water and taking all vits today

Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
Onward and

on 12/30/12 2:16 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Glad you're here!  Your lunch sounds delicious. :)

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Julia P.
on 12/30/12 2:05 am - Canada
RNY on 10/16/12

Good afternoon everyone!

I'm a bit late logging my food today - we went out tobogganing with the girls this morning.  It was a ton of fun, and I was so happy with how well I could keep up with my kids and husband!

Here's my plan for today:

B - 1/4 cup greek yogurt, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/8 cup All Bran buds, 1 tbsp protein powder, SF raspberry syrup.

S - 1/2 of a pure protein bar

L - 3 Ham roll-ups (slice of ham, laughing cow light cheese, mustard), 1/4 cup cucumbers

S - Portion pack of gouda cheese, later a premier protein shake

D - 1/4 cup chili, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. protein powder, clementine orange

S - 1 SF pudding cup, 1 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 tbsp. protein powder

TOTALS - 958 calories, 65g carbs, 28g fat, 119g protein

Have a great day!



Referral - December 2011 * Orientation TWH - March 13th, 2012 * Nurse Practitioner - April 17th, 2012 * Nutrition Class - April 17th, 2012 * Social Worker - April 24th, 2012 * Dietician - May 1st, 2012 * Psych - May 1st, 2012 * Surgeon - August 17th, 2012 * PATTS - Sept. 12th, 2012 * SURGERY TEGH, Dr. Cyriac - October 16th, 2012

Starting Weight - 320 lbs   *   Current Weight - 178 lbs  *  Goal Weight - 165 lbs 



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