Updated Surgery List - Dec. 2012 onward
I start Opti on the 18th...
Referral: April 2011 to GGH Info: 12/6/14 Nurse: 12/8/17SW: 12/8/17 Diet/Nut: 12/8/17 2nd Nurse: 12/10/4 2nd SW: 12/10/4 2nd Diet/Nut: 12/10/4 Internist: 12/10/12 3rd SW: 12/10/26 3rd Diet/Nut: 12/10/26 Nutrition Class: 12/11/27 Surgeon: 13/2/7 Opti Fast: 13/2/18 Pre-Op: 13/2/28 Surgery Date: 13/3/5 Dr Pereira-Hong
Sorry for any delays adding things or updating them... I kept spending the time to get all the threads I needed to, and getting called away or browser restarts. There were a lot of updates, and new additions and I tried to get everyone and not miss anyone...
If you, or someone you know are missing. Please... PM me or post HERE in this thread. The reason I ask for that is it is easiest for me to find after... Of the 25 additions, and 5 adjustments... Under 10 of them were via that method. *giggle* I am on top of things right up until browser restarts and being called away.
I hope everyone has a wonderful surgery!
Good Morning:
I am having surgery on March 4th at St Joes in Toronto with Dr Smith my name is Susan and my user name is on-my-way-2-new-me am having RNY,,,,thanks for putting the time in here.....have a great day!