Can't wait, so excited, REVISION maybe coming soon...!

on 11/10/12 7:23 am - Canada

A revision to the RNY. I just want them to go in and tighten thing up.  but again i am doing more research on this so i know what i am talking about when i go in to see the nurse.  I have by-passed the mandatory info session.  The lady i spoke to gave me the impression that they do do it in ottawa. we shalll see.


Karen M.
on 11/10/12 7:25 am - Mississauga, Canada

I hope you're right - keep us updated!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 11/11/12 8:39 am - St Thomas, Canada

What are you revising to? Also what will you do differently with the tool you are given to make sure you don't gain the weight back again. I don't mean to sound harsh but why did you fail the first time?


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on 11/11/12 9:23 am - Canada

I just want them to go in and tighten things up. but we shall see. As for the first time, i don't  think i really failled at it. It is just that i have gained some weight back. Mind you i would definatly walk more on my treadmill. Believe it or not i dont remember the last time i ate of a plate.  I eat out of a bowl that maybe holds 2 cup at the very most. and dont refill it cause i get full fast.  I dont tink you are harsh at all cause i am sure that the doctors are going to ask the same things.


on 11/13/12 1:42 am - St Thomas, Canada

If you still get full fast that tells you your pouch is still working. Cut your portions back to 1 cup. Start logging everything you eat and drink on Fitday or Daily Plate to get a true understanding of how much you are eating as far as Carbs, Fat, Calories, and Protein. Go back to basics and eat protein first at every meal and snack.


London and Area Support Group Leader
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