Estimated date???

on 10/13/12 7:54 am - Canada
RNY on 01/15/13
I have my surgeon appointment on November 9 at TWH based on your knowledge when do you think my surgery will be?
Any estimations? Guestimations???
My in laws are coming to visit in March along with my sister in law and brother in law.... I'd hate to be recuperating with house guests...

Orientation: Apr. 3, 2012; SW&NP: May 29, 2012; Nutrition class: June 19, 2012; Nutritionist: Aug. 29, 2012; Surgeon: Nov. 9, 2012; Surgery date:January 15, 2013; Highest weight: 357     Start of Opti weight: 338.6     Surgery Weight: 322.4   

on 10/13/12 8:10 am
I ment my surgeon (guleph) on May 28th and surgery was on July 19th, so I do think you will be recuperating with house guests, but if they support you then they should understand...Good luck with your surgery!



Surgery was July 19 2012, and I am doing great!! Only one regret....wish I did this years ago!!!!



on 10/13/12 8:16 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 11/06/12
Also when you go to your appointment be prepared to purchase the Optifast sugery is usually 6 weeks but doctors are different. I see someone else at the same hospital dates in January. Two weeks of optifast is $200 cash . Keep us all posted I finîshed all my appointments on September 26 and had my date by the following Tuesday .

 Orientation: July 23 2012       Dr Sullivan : August 16, 2012 Dietician, SW, RN, Sept 26, 2012    Dr Sullivan Oct 17, 2012 and pick up Optifast   PATTS: October 24, 2012         Surgery: November 6, 2012. Starting weight 277 surgery weight 268




on 10/13/12 8:35 am - Ennismore, Canada
 I just had my meeting yesterday and my surgery is Feb 27th.  Here's hoping all guests have vacated by the time you have your surgery!!
Referral:  August/2011                                    Nutrition Class: April 3rd/2012 TWH
Orientation: Jan/11/2012 at TWH                  Nutrition Assesment: May 15th/2012
Social Worker: March 6th/2012 at TWH       Psychologist: May15th/2012
Nurse Practioner: April 3rd/2012 TWH         Meeting with Sleep Dr: June 19th/2012
Meeting w Surgeon: Oct 12th/2012               Surgery Date: February 27th/2013
on 10/13/12 8:42 am
From my experience I would say your will be able to enjoy your company, and have your surgery a few weeks after, but I go to Guelph so it could be different for you in Hamilton.

Good Luck on Novemeber 9th :-)
Leslie W.
on 10/13/12 11:01 am - Cobourg, Canada

A couple of friends of mine had their surgeons appointment mid September. One has a surgery date end of November another mid December. They are having their surgery at TEH.

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 10/13/12 11:06 am - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13
It all depends on what they have open if they have dates in Dec or Jan. then you could have your suregery then. I would say by march you willhave had the surgery.

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

Julia P.
on 10/13/12 11:09 am - Canada
RNY on 10/16/12
Which surgeon are you meeting with?  If it's one who does the surgery at TWH (Drs. Penner, Okranic or Jackson), I estimate that you'll have your surgery early in the new year (January).  If it's one who does surgery at TEGH (Drs. Cyriac or Aarts), I'm guessing it will be late February or even March.  They seem to book a bit further out than the TWH based surgeons. 

Good luck at your surgeon's appointment!

Referral - December 2011 * Orientation TWH - March 13th, 2012 * Nurse Practitioner - April 17th, 2012 * Nutrition Class - April 17th, 2012 * Social Worker - April 24th, 2012 * Dietician - May 1st, 2012 * Psych - May 1st, 2012 * Surgeon - August 17th, 2012 * PATTS - Sept. 12th, 2012 * SURGERY TEGH, Dr. Cyriac - October 16th, 2012

Starting Weight - 320 lbs   *   Current Weight - 178 lbs  *  Goal Weight - 165 lbs 



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