Questions to ask the surgeon regarding cat scan and scope

on 10/4/12 6:24 am - Toronto, Canada
 Ok people. I'm feeling a little dense here regarding my painful attacks (nothing for two weeks) and the scope I had and the cat scan I'm having tomorrow. I didn't realize the scope only looked at my pouch and other than looking for twisted bowel and a hernia, what else will try be looking for? What questions should I ask them? 

What is it like getting a cat scan? The nurse at TWH said I have to go an hour early because I'll either be drinking something or getting an IV for them to see my insides better. What the heck is that? Will it have sugar if it's something for me to drink?  So confused here. It's a good thing I'm pretty lol (that's something we say here a lot when one of us or the kids say something very obvious!!)

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 10/4/12 7:05 am - Ottawa, Canada
Kelly I can tell you all  about the CT scan as I've have had a few lol. This is how they found my kidney cancer.

Based on your information the doctor has orderd a CT scan with contrast. Its makes the images more enhanced than just the regual CT scan.

The stuff you are drinking is gross and does not contain sugar, I asked. One tip that we are not told but the nice lady told me is you can bring crystal light to mask the flavor of the drink. I did and was the envy of all that day lol. I would call ahead and make sure this is ok first though. The Ottawa Civic allowed it.

About the IV: They inject something into the IV just before they do the test. You lie on table and this donut shaped machine goes around your body. It doesnt hurt at all and takes less than 10 minutes from start to finish. The only thing I have to warn you about is the fluid that is injected into the IV feels very warm. It could make your fingers feel warm and gives you this overwhelming sensation that you have wet yourself. Its just a feeling so dont worry

Good luck with your test, I hope everything works our just fine for you!!



In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 10/4/12 7:20 am - Toronto, Canada
 Thanks so much Ann!! I always carry Mio or crystal light so I'm good to go!! They never said I would need a person with me, so I'm guessing I'm not sedated. Thanks for the info!!! I'll let you know how it goes!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 10/4/12 7:55 am - Ottawa, Canada
Kelly I forgot to mention this.  Crystal light needs to be clear not red like lemon lime. Also you do not need anyone with you as you are not sedated. The test doesn't hurt at all. Its like taking a nap, if fact you'll feel like it after sitting in the waiting room drinking the "drink". Bring a book or your iPad to ward off the boredom.



In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 10/4/12 11:25 pm - Toronto, Canada
Thanks Ann!! I'm glad there isn't sugar in the drink. I had a low sugar attack on the table getting my scope. I warned them that fasting for 12 hours, and then delaying me for another hour and a half was going to be tricky. I didn't even know they went low lol, they told me after. Sedation is fun!!

Not nervous about the Cat scan at all. Just wondering what they do and what to ask. I have a follow up on the 19th. I guess I'll get answers then. Of course, I have been feeling great for the past two weeks. LOL Everything is working a-ok.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 10/4/12 12:09 pm
VSG on 12/13/12
 Good luck Kelly!

on 10/4/12 6:57 pm
Yes Kelly, Good Luck

Referral June 13 2012,     Meeting Dr Reed Sept 10/ 2012,    Orientation 9/20/12                            Nurse, SW Nut visit Nov 10/6/12    Post op class 1/22 /13   Surgeon appointment April 9/13  Surgery May30/2013

on 10/4/12 11:23 pm - Toronto, Canada

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 10/8/12 9:38 am - St Thomas, Canada
 I had a CAT scan last week during my 24 hour Emerg visit. After not having anything to eat or drink for so long the drink was a treat. I had to drink about 2 litres. The nurse gave it to me in a large cup of ice so it was super cold and tasted kind of like peach maybe. It does not contain sugar and it wasn't half bad cold.
The test is super fast and they did give me the injection that makes you feel warm and like you have peed yourself (but you didn't).


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