Hate being overweight

on 9/20/12 3:46 pm - Canada
RNY on 01/15/13
 Went to pick up my daughter from school today wearing a T-shirt and Crocs.
Of course it started to rain and as we were crossing the road I slipped and fell.... I managed to pull myself up (all 340 lbs of me) and get my daughter off the road to find that my ankle has swollen to the size of a baseball...
I was about a block from my house and it took me 30 minutes to get myself and my hysterically sobbing daughter home.
Man.... this has not been the highlight of my week. Of course all I can think about is that if I was 100 lbs lighter this whole situation would have been different.

 In bed now with my swollen leg elevated dreaming of finally getting to my surgery date and start living again.

Orientation: Apr. 3, 2012; SW&NP: May 29, 2012; Nutrition class: June 19, 2012; Nutritionist: Aug. 29, 2012; Surgeon: Nov. 9, 2012; Surgery date:January 15, 2013; Highest weight: 357     Start of Opti weight: 338.6     Surgery Weight: 322.4   

Onward and

on 9/20/12 3:48 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
It will happen soon!  So many non-scale-defeats are going to turn into non-scale-victories for all of us!

I'm really sorry to hear you hurt yourself.  I hope your ankle is feeling better soon.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 9/20/12 4:00 pm
i totally understand how you're feeling.  the winter before i had my surgery i fell three times.  now i didn't hurt myself on the way down, it was the getting back up thing - rolling around trying to get up as fast as i can so no one will see.  one time i was on ice and had to kneel to get up and my knees hurt for weeks cuz of all my weight on the ice (355lbs)  not to mention how humiliated i was.  keep focused on healthy lifestyle changes and surgery will happen eventually.  falling and getting back up will be a different story post op.

(deactivated member)
on 9/20/12 4:05 pm - Straford, Canada
 Hope your leg/ankle heals quickly!  

I fell skiing and my skiis didn't come off like they should have, so was laying face down in white fluffy powder without the energy or strength to pull myself up and couldn't reach the release for the skiis...  frig! I did finally find a ski pole I had dropped and used it to press the ski's releases.  I scared myself so much that I didn't want to ski again, and so my daughter stopped too.  I quickly realized she was following right down my fat highway and that's a death nell for a musical theatre person.  So now I can not only reach my feet but my daughter goes to a musical theatre dance school and goes to the gym every day.  It does get better...  
on 9/20/12 9:13 am, edited 9/20/12 9:13 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12

I`d get the ankle xray`d !

Best wishes.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 9/20/12 5:15 pm - Canada
Ugh, I am sorry this happened.  I hope your ankle feels better soon !

I fell at a yard sale in the summer.  ALL eyes on the fat girl :(   Ssoooo embarassing and then I couldn't walk on it the next day ... blah !
Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
Megan M.
on 9/20/12 7:18 pm - Canada
 What a terrible thing to happen, but keep your chin up because it's probably the last time something like that will happen to you. Take care.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

on 9/20/12 8:02 pm - Canada
RNY on 09/13/13
I am sorry you are feeling this way !
Sending positive energy your  way, and hoping your ankle heals quickly.

on 9/20/12 8:08 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Ouch! What a painful thing to have happen!  I can definitely sympathize with you as I've fallen down stairs a few times & really hurt my ankles, knees and hips, but the worst was my pride - that really took a hit! 

We always feel so much worse when we are overweight & we fall - like someone is going to make snide comments about the "fat person" hitting the ground. Everytime I fell I would always look around to see if anyone had witnessed my embarrassment - later I would check to see how much I'd hurt myself.

Your days of this embarrassment are coming to an end. I mean, you may still fall & it will hurt but at least you won't feel as though everyone is judging you & looking at your size. I really hope that you feel better soon and the swelling in your poor leg goes down quickly.

Karen M.
on 9/21/12 1:59 am - Mississauga, Canada
How sad.  I'm sorry. Been there, done that. Chin up - your life is changing.



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