Why delete a post?

on 9/13/12 2:11 pm - Brampton, Canada
On September 13, 2012 at 10:43 AM Pacific Time, Ian S. wrote:
 yup, couldn't resist!  imo don't think people should care. its my post, can change/delete it as I desire, just like you can comment upon it as you desire.   
Yup. Not worth having a ******g match over.

Far bigger and better things to have dramafests over.

Like bad advice, running with scissors.

stuff like that.. lol

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 9/12/12 6:58 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/23/12
I don't care if someone deletes a post. Too often with emails or online message boards it is easy to hide behind the screen and say stuff that would have been better left unsaid. If someone has the couth to delete a post, no matter what the reason-I am glad of it. If the OP thinks its not worth me looking at, who am I to argue? It says nothing negative about the poster. On the contrary-they had the good sense to save me from reading something not worth the time

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on 9/13/12 5:37 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
Doesn't bother me if someone deletes their posts.  Posting on web forums can feel very insular and private, but everything we write here is very public, and very searchable, and a lot of people here are using their real names or real pictures of themselves.

I think it's okay for people to rethink what they want to put out publicly after posting something.  Web forums are different than just having a conversation in person, because what you write is forever unless you delete it, whereas when you're just having a chat with someone, while you will both remember it, the whole world isn't in on the conversation.  But forums are so chatty that we talk on them as if we're just shooting the breeze in a pub with a few friends. 

I know that I wouldn't be comfortable with the whole world being able to find and hear everything dumb thing I've ever said among friends in a pub.  I think it's just smart to watch what you say online, and if you feel uncomfortable with something you've posted, then there's a good chance that you probably shouldn't have posted it.  And if the place you posted it gives you the option of getting rid of it, then I don't see a problem with taking advantage of that.

I think if you find yourself deleting a LOT of posts, then it might be a good idea to set aside some time to think through some boundaries and what you feel comfortable with sharing online.  For myself, my boundaries on this site are that I don't use my real name or pictures of myself so that I feel comfortable posting more details about my journey, since I don't want people to be able to google medical information about me.  But that's just me.

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