OT - Mirena question - Men stay away...you've been warned.

on 9/6/12 8:58 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Seriously, if there are any men reading this I advise you to look away right about now!

Hi ladies, I am in need of some girlfriend advice but I don't know of anyone who has gone through this.  There's no polite way to say this so bear with me.... Since having my RNY my periods have been really long despite having a Mirena IUD.  They weren't unbearable, actually very light, just really long (2 weeks at minimum).  Tonight I went to remove my tampon (I'm sorry, I know that's gross) and my Mirena came out with it! Within the hour I noticed a significant increase in the "flow" and now I'm worried.  Has anyone had their Mirena removed? What happened afterwards? Did you have pain or bleeding that was out of the ordinary?  I am going to call my gynocologist in the morning but I just thought I'd see if anyone here had any advice. I googled it and of course I was directed to message boards that tell me I'm going to die a bloody, crampy death. LOL Thank you for any responses...I'm freaking out over here! :)
on 9/6/12 9:35 pm

I personally have never heard of this happening before but that doesn't mean much.  I would say that if the flow is on-going and alot I would definately go to the hospital if you can't get into the gyno's office in the morning.  The other idea is to call tele-health if that still exists.  Google the phone number and call as I think it is 24hr line monitored by a health professional.  Sorry that I didn't have better advice for you.

on 9/6/12 2:37 pm, edited 9/6/12 2:37 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Well, not exactly my situation, but for the first two years postop, I had the same "long" issue. sometimes even "heavy". After "expiring" my Mirena was removed by a doc and replaced with a new one. everything is fine and seem to be working, no more kids so far, lol.

My sister, on the other hand, lost her mirena exactly like you did (she is no wls, skinny person) and had no side effects. I understand it's a plug-in thing so it's not extremely uncommon to "drop" it.

Not sure about bleeding, but your hormonal composition changes - mirena releases progesterone. Lose the IUD and the you're out of your usual balance, until you put a new device or your body adjusts. I wouldn't worry too much, but seeing the gyn is a great idea. 
Nata, a very happy DSer!
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.

204 pounds lost!!!!
on 9/6/12 9:37 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13
Never used one but... You're not the first to have this happen. A friend of mine had it happen...


Check pages 9, 10 and 11. Specifically 11.

As for a bloody death... No. Probably not. More likely heavier cyclical bleeding, cramping, and a need to see a GYN asap to put a new one in.

I'm going to put it like this... If they say "The return of your normal periods may also indicate the system has been expelled and not noticed." in the product pamphlet... *cough* I'd hazzard a guess that morning is fine.

NOW... That said... If there is enough blood to be using 1 super/ultra tampon every 15-30 min or less, as well as a pad. Go to the ER to get checked. I am not saying this as anyone other then someone who has litterally played "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"... And that is why MY GYN's rule is.

If you are truly worried...

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Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 9/6/12 11:23 pm - Canada
I had one and got the darn thing removed on purpose it caused me so much grief. 

Alot of people take them out on their own and have no issues.

I think if you are super soaking tampons/pads like you have never before you should go get it checked.  Otherwise, if you are wanting, order up a new one and get it put back in.  Things should re-regulate themselves.  Sounds like it was out of place which caused the lengthier periods.

That being said.  When mine was removed I just became less homocidal :) 

Good luck !
Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
on 9/6/12 11:38 pm
Not the same at all here BUT if I didn't die after a bleeding for 8 months, yes, 24/7 for 8 months, after getting a Depo shot, I'm sure you'll be ok...lol...let us know how you are doing after you get checked, k?

Take care of you,


    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 9/7/12 5:06 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13
OMG I feel for you. At least I got 9 days off every 35!

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 9/7/12 5:00 am
 They have a nasty habit of coming out just like you  discribed. You are not going to die a bloody death. BUT if you are soaking through a pad in a half hour and/or getting dizzy or light headed, mosey on down to your local ER.  
on 9/7/12 6:24 am - Harriston , Canada
Jesus Ladies dont tell me my Mirena could fall out....now I am running out to buy some condoms too ekkkk
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