Update on Surgery Cancellation!

Karla Tolentino
on 6/1/12 1:43 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hi there.....Feeling a little better today. Still no word from the Hospital or Dr.'s office yet!! I called the hospital (the nurse at the Bariatric Clinic) and the dietitian and both of them told me to start eating REGULAR FOOD! After starving for 3 weeks with the optifast and then the last 2 days prior to my cancelled surgery with only clear liquids, preparing my stomach for the procedure, they say to ear Normal healthy regular food!!! I asked them if I should continue drinking the optifast until the new date, but they say NO, no more optifast! I guess the only thing I can do now is wait for them to call me and give me a new date!!! (let's hope is sooner than later, cause I'm already in my first of my 6 weeks sick leave from work!!) Good luck to me :s
Karen M.
on 6/1/12 2:00 am - Mississauga, Canada
Good luck to you, Karla, I hope you get a date VERY soon.

PLEASE - DO NOT go back to eating what you would consider "healthy regular food".  When I had surgery 6 years ago, we didn't do Optifast.  We went on a high protein, no carb, low fat diet for a week or two to shrink the liver and it works.  PLEASE, for your own sake, eat meat and veggies only, until you get your surgery. This will ensure that your hard work on Optifast will not be undone.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/12 2:05 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
Karla, If you don't get a date soon, I'd be going back to work as technically you aren't sick and it could end up biting you in the ass.  I'd just say surgery was cancelled and go back.
Karla Tolentino
on 6/1/12 2:15 am - Mississauga, Canada
I think that would depend on the kind of job you do. I'm a PSW working at a Retirement Home, so they hired a temporary worker to cover me for the 6 weeks I'm supposed to be out. I can't just go back and say..hey, here I am!! I also applied for EI...well, you know this is a huge process and lots of things to do before you go tu surgery.....thanks for the advice!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/1/12 2:18 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
You are going to need to justify it to EI so if you aren't off for surgery, they could in fact say that you are trying to defraud the system. And what will you do if your surgery is postponed 4 weeks and then you need another 6?  I'd be talking to my employer if I was you.
Karen M.
on 6/1/12 5:11 am - Mississauga, Canada
Yes, you can go back and say "hey, here I am" because it's YOUR job and your surgery was cancelled.  Therefore, you should not be off of work collecting sick benefits.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Monica M.
on 6/1/12 2:14 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
i agree with Tracey. Go back to work, i'm sure it shouldnt be a problem,

AND i agree with Karen. Meat and veggies only.

hugs. so frustrating, and i'm sorry i coudnt meet up with you yesterday.
on 6/1/12 2:45 am
I would be concerned that they are telling you to eat regular food. 

To me that could be an indication that surgery may be a while away. I'm wondering if you may have to do Optifast again?
I would call and find out when they think they may be able to get you in, and what normally happens in these cases.


on 6/1/12 3:01 am - aurora, Canada
So Sorry to hear this news. Did you tell them someone has replaced you at work?  Try to get to your social worker at the hospital. Make a point of saying you must speak to them or the nurse.  Don;t take no for an answer.   Where were you getting it done?  Could you go to another hospital like Humber river in Toronto, there are several doctors who do it there  and when I had my done in Feb. and I could have picked my date. I told the doctor's office which date I wanted which worked for the time I booked at work. My doctor had a number of open  spaces.
Don;t eat regular food just in case something can be done. Sometimes one has to be pushie.  I pushed at the time for the social worker and dietation to do my second interview by phone, so it wouldn;t hold up my date , as I wanted to add vacation time to sick time and had to use it up by March. It worked.
If you had it at Humber which is Finch and 400 would have to stay in local motel I think for two nights after the surgery.
I have no idea if this has ever been done, but worth a look see.
hope this is helpful
on 6/1/12 4:32 am - Bergen Op Zoom, Netherlands
RNY on 09/07/12
 Maybe this is the cheap b*tch in me talking but will you have to pay for your optifast again when they reschedule you?  How amazing are you for keeping your cool so well.  
Good luck Karla!

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