Kind of a big WOW moment! re: body issues and goal

on 5/31/12 2:09 am - Toronto, Canada
OK. So, I know that i've written a few times regarding my body issues, and how i've been trying to control any possible weight gain via overexercising. I've cut down, and am a little more relaxed actually. Especially since the scale has stayed the same, regardless of how much cardio I do or don't do. This might change, I realize that, but for now i'm doing the gym three times a week, and then daily walking or other unscheduled exercising (swimming in our pool).

With that said, it just occured to me yesterday why i'm feeling so negative towards my body, and really unhappy. I used to be so happy and excited about the changes. And that's just it. The changes. Well, i've reached goal (and even before I reached the last two pounds before goal) and there hasn't been any changes in my body for months. Nothing to get excited about. I guess that's because i've been here for a bit now. The changes were so drastic at the beginning. And now....nothing. And now i'm learning to be at peace with that. It's hard going. I still haven't done my homework before I see the physchiatrist, but my appointment isn't until the 26th. I took a couple of pics just with my camera, and promptly deleted them lol.

Anyhow, i'm sure there are many of you veterans who understand this. I"m just glad to finally realize it!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 5/31/12 2:41 am - Arnprior, Canada
I'm glad you discovered this about yourself, I'm sure you are not alone in this feeling.  The scale tells me I'm better than a year ago, and my pant size does, but not really sure I like the new body yet.  I know I still have to lose some, but there is stuff there that I'll have to just accept is going to be permanent.  At least until the day I win the lottery.  So, be permanent.

I know you have the strength to do your homework, and yes you have time, but don't wait until the last minute, or you won't do it..



Marny B.
on 5/31/12 3:59 am - Canada

I just posted about this very topic a couple of weeks ago.  I was feeling the same way.  A very wise someone suggested to me that I should make goals for myself that were unrelated to weightloss.  She said to think of something that I've always wanted to do (again outside of WL), and do it; make the change happen.  I think we get so used to working towards the goal of getting thin, and that is encompasses our lives so fully, that when we get down to where we want to be, we forget that it is time to identify ourselves in a way other than "the girl who lost a ton of weight".  It is time to start living like the thin, active, alive person that you are.  This is your new normal and you need to find goals and aspirations that are soul-pleasing, and not weight related, since weight is no longer your major issue.  It's hard.  I get it.  it's the "Now what???!!" feeling, and it's a bit of a let down, and a hard adjustment to make.  Keep working at it.  Good luck!

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


Brenda T.
on 5/31/12 5:12 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Great points.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 5/31/12 6:44 am
Great points, and I have been slowly feeling that way as well. I am 10 pounds from goal and the physical changes are minimal now.
I have set goals and some very big ones at that. I need to do some mind work to make sure if I fail at my goal, I am still ok with it and don't fall into old habits and eat my sorrows away.
My skin for the most part has been very forgiving but there are some areas I'm not happy about but they are my battle scars and 3 awesome kids to show for it. I have earned every stretch mark and droop so I'm ok with that.
Half the battle Kelly is acknowledging the issue. Keep it up, you've done amazing so far.
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