
on 3/28/12 6:16 am - Brussels, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 As has been said by so many, there are no words. 
But know that even though you may not have met alot of the people on the forum, we are all here for whatever you need.
My thoughts and prayers to you and yours.
on 3/28/12 6:38 am - Marathon, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
 Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.

I hope you can find some comfort in your memories of Brady.

Want to join the CRAZY TransCanada Challenge?? Just message me. Here's a link to the rules:
LuAnne H.
on 3/28/12 7:15 am - London, Canada
My heart is breaking for you.  Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.  Be kind to yourself, it has been a very hard time for you and your family.


Referal Apr.17, 10   Orientation Feb.24, 11  !st  App (SW,NUT.RN) May 17, 11
2nd App (SM,NUT,RN) Jul. 7,11, Post-op Nut class Jan 13,12,  surgeon Feb27,12
surgery April 5,2012
Megan M.
on 3/28/12 7:54 am - Canada
So very sad for all of you, but especially your in-laws.  It goes against nature for parents to outlive their children.  My brother died at 46, and I couldn't believe the toll it took on my parents - always their baby no matter the age.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

Linda G.
on 3/28/12 9:34 am - Canada
You have had more than your share of sad events.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  Stay strong and lean on some friends and posters on this forum.  Take care of yourself. You took such good care of everyone else, now it's your turn. 

Thinking of you and your family.
referral-July 28, 2011, orientation-September 8, nurse pract-September 13, social worker-September 22, nutrition class-November 1, surgeon appt-November 4,  psych-Jan 11, Catscan-Jan 12, NUT-Jan 20, Endoscopy-Jan 28, Surgeon meeting- Feb 10, Surgery-March 23  Dr. Grantcharov    
on 3/28/12 10:53 am - Ottawa, Canada
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family with love.



In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 3/28/12 11:51 am - Canada
 I am very sorry for your loss.  
Lorraine M.
on 3/28/12 11:59 am - Canada
 I am so sorry for your loss and deep pain that your family is feeling now. Sometimes life just doesnt seem fair. We do not know why some go ahead of others but now is your time to be strong, not only for your husband and family but for yourself. You must remember to take all your vitamins. You must take care of yourself so that you can be there for others when they need your support.
Saying a special prayer for you tonight and big hugs. Take care, 


Joyce J.
on 3/28/12 11:34 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

So sorry for your loss.

It's so hard to stay on track through these tough times, but do your best.
We are here for you


Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 3/29/12 11:16 am - Athens, Canada
Life brings tears, smiles and memories. The tears will dry, the smiles may fade, but the memories will live on forever!

Know that you are never truly alone as long as you are willing to reach out. 

So sorry for your loss. Lots of hugs, Muriel
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