Happy Valentines Day!!!!

on 2/14/12 4:17 am - Newmarket, Canada
  I am so lucky to have the love in my life that I do. From my children and husband... To my family and friends. I know a lot of people think Valentines Day is silly and just another excuse to spend money but I don't think there is anything wrong with showing a little extra love once in a while!!!
Today also marks the 8 month anniversary of my Gastric Bypass. Today I am down 124 pounds. I have gone from 334 lbs to 210 lbs. and I am pretty proud of that!!!
I know I have been down lately but I think I was just mostly off because of my surgery and infection. I'm feeling much more optimistic and back to my old self!  I have my OA meeting on Thursday AND my first day back at the gym in three weeks! I can't wait to get back into my routine. I've really missed the gym... It's become my stress reliever!! 
I just wanted to share a picture of my most favorite thing to do these days lol something I try to do as much as possible now that I can do it again ;)  
Thank you for bearing with me and listening to my rants.  I couldn't do this without all of your love and support!!!
Find me on facebook here:  
LuAnne H.
on 2/14/12 4:42 am - London, Canada
You look absolutely fabulous.  124lbs in 8 months!!!!!!!! wow, did you ever imagine this would really happen?  I am still pre-op and I can only imagine how you feel about a whole new you!!  This must be one heck of a Valentines day for you.  Congratulations!!!!!!!

Referal Apr.17, 10   Orientation Feb.24, 11  !st  App (SW,NUT.RN) May 17, 11
2nd App (SM,NUT,RN) Jul. 7,11, Post-op Nut class Jan 13,12,  surgeon Feb27,12
surgery April 5,2012
on 2/14/12 4:43 am - Wasaga Beach, Canada
You look fantastic. What a nice, positive post!!! Crossing my legs is my favourite NSV as well! You rock it!

Joyce J.
on 2/14/12 5:42 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

I know you have had a rough time of it lately. Hope you are feeling better
You look awesome, great pictures.

Have a great night, enjoy your family

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Linda G.
on 2/14/12 7:26 am - Canada

WOW!  you look amazing in only 8 months!

referral-July 28, 2011, orientation-September 8, nurse pract-September 13, social worker-September 22, nutrition class-November 1, surgeon appt-November 4,  psych-Jan 11, Catscan-Jan 12, NUT-Jan 20, Endoscopy-Jan 28, Surgeon meeting- Feb 10, Surgery-March 23  Dr. Grantcharov    
on 2/14/12 7:41 am
You look amazing!  Job well done.  Diane

Will take a kayaking trip summer 2012, freedom

on 2/14/12 7:48 am
VSG on 12/13/12
 Wow you look fabulous!  Congratulations!  Thanks for sharing your pics what an incentive.  
Onward and

on 2/14/12 8:27 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
That's amazing!  You look mahvelous. :)

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 2/14/12 9:43 am - North Bay, Canada
You look beautiful!! Way to go! 
Referral - Sept.23.2010, Orientation - June 8.2010, Nurse&S.W. -  July 28.2011, Nutrition Class -    Aug.2.2011, Nutritionist -  Sept.13.2011, Psych - Sept.15.2011, Surgeon -  Oct.21.2011, Surgery - November 1, 2011.                        
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