Overeaters Anonymous???

on 2/13/12 2:24 am - Newmarket, Canada
 I am looking into trying out Overeaters Anonymous. I am having a lot of issues lately and I'm having a hard time with the emotional side of this. It's true that the issues you have before WLS will still be waiting for you after the fact... Even more so it seems. 

Anyway... I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this and if they found it help full?
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on 2/13/12 2:50 am - Canada
RNY on 10/11/12
I attended several OA meetings, but found it wasn't for me. Basically they follow a 12 step program, much like AA. You find a sponsor and are accountable to them. People share stories, tips, ideas etc. While some in the group I attended had had great success, there were many who were struggling. Since it is member led, there are no professionals involved. For some people, that is key, but for me I need to have access to someone with credentials, iykwim.

I've also heard great things about the Beck diet. It's all about changing your thinking. You follow whatever plan you choose.

Have you contacted the SW at the hospital? I just had my first meeting and everyone stressed that I could call to speak to the nurse, dietician or SW at any time. Maybe it would be helpful to check in again with them?


on 2/13/12 5:10 am
I heard they have a prayer circle or something like that.
on 2/13/12 5:15 am - Pickering, Canada
Hi, I went to OA before my surgery. I tried 2 different groups, one was fantastic, but the travel and timing didn't work, and the other was local and the people weren't so good. I like the 12 step program myself. First step admit you are powerless over food.
Ironically, my sister has just gone thru rehab for the 3rd time for alcohol, and I'm attending the family aftercare program weekly for that. since AA follows the same 12 steps (more or less) it has been very helpful. For me I have to focus on making myself happy first, and then I can do what I can for others, that is the source of my emotional eating, putting everyone else first. This is what I get from OA and this aftercare program.
with OA you set your food plan, and are accountable to your sponsor for whether you follow it or not.
I agree that you should also contact the social worker or whomever you saw at your centre. They want you to succeed too!!
on 2/13/12 10:30 am - Whitby, Canada
Just as an FYI - some hospital's have psychologist that offer CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) pre and/or post surgery.  AND....no cost ......

I am going through TWH and was offered some CBT to help with my emotional eating......

I have reached my goal weight ..... and LOVE my RNY !!!!!!!!!


on 2/13/12 10:43 am - Canada
Sorry Dollface,

I have not tried OA but wanted to say I hope if you do try it that it helps you work out your issues.
Surgery ---December 23 with Dr. Yelle!
on 2/15/12 9:40 am - Canada
I tried it but wasn't real comfortable with the meetings.  I've atarted weigh****chers and really enjoy their meetings and they are all over the place.  Maybe that would be a better fit for you.  We are all fighting the same battle.   FOOD
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