Chinese food

on 2/4/12 6:45 am - Canada
Tonight the members of my house ordered Chinese, oh it smelled so goooodddddd, i wasn't hungry for it but i thought perhaps just one spoonful of rice,, and than i thought,, are you friggin nuts,, look what you just went through,, smarten the fck up woman,,, the day will come when you can have a little bit just not right now,,, so i sat down and had my tuna and crackers, i'm good with that now, but for a minute it could have went the other way so easily, old habits die hard, but they will die,, oh yes.. they will die (snickers)
(deactivated member)
on 2/4/12 7:08 am - Toronto, Canada
 Congrats on resisting the head hunger!  Its amazing how food can play tricks with our mind.  Your determination will pay off and you will break the old habits for good.
on 2/4/12 7:11 am - Newmarket, Canada
I am just about 17months out and STILL can't eat rice. Sometimes I miss it but quickly think of how I will feel after I eat it...

I do on the other hand, enjoy other chinese foods
on 2/4/12 7:53 am - Vaughan, Canada
 Good for you Alex. The more time will pass the less you will want everything you can't have. At least that's what I feel.

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/12 8:31 am - Canada
I caved to Chinese food 1x after surgery & it was a horrible experience! Pain, foamies & eventually throwing up for 3 hours! Good for you for staying away from it!
on 2/4/12 8:49 am - Kitchener, Canada
it doesn't mean you will never eat it again.  After 1 year post op, I had my first chinese meal tonight, of all times. 

Yes, I even had the rice.  Did I eat as much as I would have 1 year ago - nope.  did I have a little of everything - yup.   beef with broccoli, chicken balls, rice and eggroll and all sauces on the side.

give yourself a chance and allow yourself time to figure it all out. 

on 2/4/12 11:07 pm - Newmarket, Canada
You are a better woman than I!!!

I also had a horrible experience with Chinese food about a month post op.. it was my sons birthday and I thought I could have just a little bit... nope.  It came back up with NO warning and I was sick for over an hour. 

I ended up crying .. not because I felt bad for eating something I shouldn't have... but because i COULDN'T eat it... i was literally mourning food lol

I'm 8 months out now.. 117 pounds lighter.. and I have learned my lesson...

Its a hard road but its worth it in the end.

I tip my hat to you... that's some awesome willpower you have !!!!!  You re gonna do great!
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on 2/5/12 12:37 am
I had chinese a few weeks ago and before surgery I would have it once a week, now I didnt eat too much but I found I wasnt as satisifed with the chinese as I was before which is ok with me - I would rather have my piece of steak or something else that gives me more protein and more satisifaction
Mary A.
on 2/6/12 1:14 am
good for you.....those obstacles are sometimes difficult to avoid, especially at the beginning.

you saved yourself a whole lot of pain

at almost 3 years post-op...I don;t eat anything deep fried...well that's NOT entirely true..I can eat 1-2 bob-bons, if they are NOT affty..and that along with some chicken low mein, and maybe 2 tablespoons of beef & greens is all I can muster

I actually don't enjoy it anymore...Chinese food and KFC...are not in my desired food category any longer.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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