Losing in all the wrong places!

on 2/1/12 10:22 pm - Newmarket, Canada
 I bought a new bra today. Size 34C.    This whole weight loss journey has been about getting smaller and losing inches... But to be able to fit into a 34C hurts my heart.     I didn't have much in the breast area growing up... Even as a teenager I was lucky if I was a B Cup. I didn't start to develop until I started having kids. The more kids I had, the more weight I put on... The bigger my breasts would get.    Before surgery I was a 40F.  I guess I felt like it was my best feature. Now I am a VERY deflated 34C.  It makes me real sad. I can deal with the saggy skin pretty much everywhere else but I hate my breasts.    I guess I'm having a bad day. After being in so much pain with my gallbladder  ... By the way the clinic was closed yesterday so I have to go back today at 5.... And then shopping for smaller bras... And then watching the show called "My 600 Pound Life" I guess I've put myself in a bit of a funk :(   That show is really good. Ive only seen one episode but they followed a lady named Melissa for 7 years through her Gastric Bypass Journey ... Her starting weight was around 650 pounds and she got down to around 157... An then back up to 214 by the end.  They showed her going through surgery, and then through skin removal... Depression... Complications... Losing a baby... Having a cheating husband...   So much for one person to go through... Yet she did it. Amazing. Definitely an inspiration. And after watching what she had to go through... My self image issues seem pretty stupid in comparison!!!!   I have so much to be thankful for ... I really shouldn't waste time on the       "woe is me" crap!     Annnddd..... I'm done. 
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(deactivated member)
on 2/1/12 11:23 pm - Toronto, Canada
 What can I say....not to sound insensitive, but I'm full of envy!  My largest bra size has been a 38C and that is when I weigh 280lbs!  I'm expecting to end up a completely pitiful (and saggy) A cup by the time I lose 100lbs.

It sounds like you have to work on discovering new features that you like about yourself...the boobs can stay as one of them, but maybe you also like your cheekbones now, or your legs or the curve of your shoulders or your butt?  Challenge yourself to identify 5 things you think are attractive about physical self (we aren't even mentioning your lovely inner self) and then remind yourself about them the next time you feel down.

Hope your day gets better and you feel more positive soon!

Mary A.
on 2/1/12 11:33 pm
we all need the ability to voice our doubt and days when we are not feeling the very best...but truly..you should be able to put many POSITIVE checks on your list......

as far as bra size

...try treating yourself to an expensive push-up bras..

hey now you can fit those lovely bras at Victoria Secret..did you know you can go to a salesperson tell them your bra size they can go in the back and then bring out to you EVERY bra that they have in the stor ein your size...yes they can..treat yourself to this experience and ENJOY shopping.

I make a point of treating myself now to things I enjoy..I am a boot hound and have bought myself 5 boots in the past year...not expensive, but they lift my spirits and they are MUCH better for me than cheese cake after dinner with friends.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Tanya T.
on 2/2/12 12:48 am
I watched the same show last night and let me tell you it does put things in prespective.  Some of the things we think are major are very minor compared to Melissa last night.
It was inspiring and makes my journey look like a piece of cake.



on 2/2/12 1:48 am
I know what you mean about the breasts. I was so happy with the size before weight loss, now they are shrinking away. but yes I am looking forward to buying new sexy lingerie! BUT also noticed last night the dreaded bat wings starting to appear and my arms were not even that large to begin with. Eeek! I'm hoping that a lot of arm weight training will fill them out.

I simply canno****ch shows like my 600 pound life, I just can't. I get so depressed and emotional. Life around me is bad enough some days that I can't stand to watch it on tv as well.


on 2/2/12 5:46 am - Thunder Bay, Canada

I hate my breasts as well.  They are soooo saggy and I did actually get approval for a breast lift, which I was so excited for, but decided I didn't want that doctor doing it.  So now I will have to try to find the time to come to Toronto for a consult and see if I can be re-approved.  Who knows when that will be.

I have a large rib cage, which is weird because I don't have a large frame.  My rib cage is very wide and makes me look bigger than I am...hard to find dresses that fit well, etc.  But because of that my bra size is a 38.  I can fit a 36, but it is tight and makes the skin on my back roll over the top...YUCK!  I am in a C cup but that is mostly due to the excess skin.  I'm sure once I have a lift I will be lucky to still fit a B cup.

However I have learned that a good bra makes ALL the different.  And not necessarily a push up, which for me just makes me look like I've got my saggy boobs sitting up on a shelf.  And the bra doesn't have to be expensive either.  I have ones from Victoria Secret that I paid lots of money for that don't look as nice as ones I bought from Wal Mart.

I absolutely hate bra shopping...but once I find one that I like, that looks good under a t-shirt, then I buy a few of the same bra in different colours.  I think I look hideous naked...but I think I pull off a good look when I have clothes on and with the bras I have purchased I don't think anyone could ever tell that my boobs are saggy.  I think they look pretty normal even under a tshirt.

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