Gall bladder out and SO MUCH PAIN!

on 1/26/12 11:35 pm - Canada

Gall bladder came out yesterday.  This is many times more painful than having my innards re-arranged for WLS.  They put more gas in for this one apparently and I felt like I was having a heart attack all night. 

They only re-opened 1 incision from the RNY and now I have 3 NEW HOLES! I look like a human pin-cushion.

And my IV wasn't working properly, for some reason my left hand reacts and I forgot from last time.  So I woke up with no morphine.  My abdominal muscles were guarded against the pain and I couldn't stop clenching them and writing in pain.  By the time they got (barely) enough morphine in me I think the damage was done.  So I have a band of shooting pain across my abdomen and I have to find a spot and stay in it.  Getting out of bed was horrendous!

Having a protein shake.  First "food" since the night before last at midnight, except for a little chicken broth last night.  I don't have an appetite. 

So minus the gallbladder full of stones and slush and my recovery, I'm expecting to finally hit 50 lbs lost.  I really wish my family doc had properly diagnosed me and I had been able to have this done at the same time as my RNY.

Oh well, another few weeks off work.  Thank goodness for my workplaces sick time bank!


Megan M.
on 1/26/12 11:50 pm - Canada
Sure do hope you're feeling better soon.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

on 1/28/12 6:38 am - Canada
Thanks Megan.
on 1/27/12 1:03 am
OMG poor you!!  Hopefully the pain meds will do their magic and you feel a lot better soon.

on 1/28/12 6:39 am - Canada

Thanks Judy.  I'm actually having a lot of what feels like gall bladder pain today.  Except its not there. I don't get it.

on 1/27/12 1:45 am - Gilbertsville, PA
I hope you get better soon. I know when I had mine out, years ago, it was a fast recovery. I wish the same for you. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
on 1/28/12 6:41 am - Canada

Thank you.  I can't wait to get through the next few days.  It's been a bit hellish so far.

on 1/27/12 1:45 am
Not good! I'm sorry to hear about this. Hopefully, given the numbers of RNY patients who have their gallbladders out shortly after WLS, it will soon become routine to remove the gallbladder during the RNY. They do this with the DS for exactly this reason. Bleh.
on 1/28/12 6:22 am - Canada
That woulda been nice.  I had them before my WLS surgery, but my family doc misdiagnosed me and I never mentioned it to my surgeon.  Wish I had mentioned it because he would have sent me for the right test and dealt with it at the time.
Joyce J.
on 1/27/12 1:55 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi Julie

Sorry to hear about your pain. Feel better soon
Rest and drink lots

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


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