Gall bladder out and SO MUCH PAIN!

on 1/27/12 3:56 am - Canada
I had my gallbladder out the year before my RNY, but I do remember that the first three days were pretty nasty.
After that, it wasn't too bad, pain-wise.
But you're right about the inflating they do - I think they must inject a lot more air into you for the cholecystectomy.

I remember that my friend Donna had her RNY, her hernia repair, AND her gallbladder removed all at the same time - and her pain was tolerable. I think that was a much more efficeint way to go than what they put you through.

Too bad your surgeon wasn't on the ball.
on 1/28/12 6:30 am - Canada
Wow, that's a lot to have done at once!
on 1/28/12 6:23 am - Canada
Thanks Joyce!
on 1/27/12 4:21 am
Poor Julie!! As Heather would say "that sucks balls" ! I'm glad that you are generally ok, minus the pain of course, so lets hope this is the last of your painful bouts! Soon we will be running hand in hand on the treadmills at work together lol
on 1/28/12 6:25 am - Canada

Lol, thanks Tanja!

on 1/28/12 3:30 am - Ottawa, Canada
Getting mine taken out in a couple of weeks...not looking forward to it now lol (not that I really was before either ) 

Hope you feel better soon !! 

Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
on 1/28/12 6:28 am - Canada
I'm sorry! Didn't mean to freak anybody out.  They just give you less drugs and I would have been fine if I had gotten my post surgery morphine.  I'm sure you won't have the complication I had and it will be a breeze.
on 1/28/12 11:01 pm - Newmarket, Canada
  Just had mine out on Monday do I feel your pain ... Literally!  The gas pain wa the worst an I has no clue they were gonna give me 4 new holes!  Im feeling better now.... My tummy still hurts but it's a thousand times better!  I go back to work today... Worried a little bit!  I really hope you feel better soon!!!!
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on 1/28/12 11:23 pm - Canada
Yeah I got no prep at all for this one.  My surgery got pushed to 2:30 pm so by the time I got to recovery they just wanted me out.  The nurse was too busy making plans for after work to give me any real care or info.  And I thought a nurse does a follow up call the next day to make sure you are ok.  I got no call.  Had to call telehealth last night and they were even less help.  Gonna start a new thread with my issue since nobody in the medical field seems to be able to answer my questions.
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