
on 1/19/12 5:10 am - Sudbury, Canada
Best of luck to you Dollface.  Hope everything runs smoothly and you have a speedy recovery. :)
on 1/19/12 6:18 am
 Good luck Dollface! I'm sure it will be fine and that this will give you the relief you need.
Katie  ♥     
on 1/19/12 7:55 am - Newmarket, Canada
You will feel SOOOOOO much better after that pesky thing is out!

Be prepared tho.. it might hurt a little more. Make sure you get lots of rest after I lounged around for a week :P

You're going to do great!
on 1/19/12 1:24 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Good luck, I'm having mine taken out on Feb 16th... Here's to a speedy recovery :)
Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
on 1/19/12 11:20 pm - Canada
Wishing you all the best for your surgery.  Dr. Yelle put me on Urisodol to help disolve my stones...hoping this will ward off attacks permanently or at the very least until I can go back for surgery.

Are you on this medication by chance?
Surgery ---December 23 with Dr. Yelle!
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