spitting up blood
ok so last night after eating, i felt sick and vomited contents of pouch..... post vomiting i began spitting up blood for a few minutes... was frothy and asked hubby tolooktomake sure he thought blood too. He agreed. was not a significant amount but enough to know what it was. I have called my clinic this morning and am awaiting a call back from them..... I am thinking I irritated something throwing up but any feedback would be appreciated.
Just pendering about this. Do you happen to have a cold or anything? I know a few times when I have had a cold and my nasal passages have been dry and irritated. If your nose is bloody and it drips down the back of your throat like post nasal drip, then when you vomit, the blood can come up. Just a thought.
I like your thinking but nope no cold dam I wishe they would call already.... i spoke to reception and asked to speak with Vivian NP and she said no but will pass on the message that was at 9 am ......... I am leaving the office at 12:30 to head to meetings and will be unreachable until tomorrow grrrrr