gym update
well i have managed to hit the gym consistantly since getting my membership early last week. In the last week i have done walking laps on the track with my kids then was able th get 20 minutes on the tread mill befor my girls were wining to do something else... i have already worn out my ill fitting bathing suit and will be heading to walmart on payday to fix that problem. I have been swimming almost every day and spent sunday night racing my kid in the lanes ..... she gave up after a few laps and i went on to do about 24 laps alternating freestyle, breast stroke and then back stroke...... wanted to try butterfly but decided i didn't want to loose anything out of my ill fitting suit at the public pool....
. avoided that one but really want to see if i can do at least 24mtrs of fly I know i can still do the stroke have done it at camp in the lake just not sure how far i could do it and not sure i want to attempt it in public LOL i will keep you posted when I do. I swam again tonight and did some water jogging and some arms only and legs only laps left the kids at home and it was a nice change.

that's fantastic, a big WTG on the determination and good luck with finding a rocking bathing suit~!!
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN