Coasting...NOT Maintaining...

on 1/6/12 12:21 am - Canada
and yes there is a difference.  I got to thinking about the language I use right now re my weight loss and progress so far.  Lets start with I am happy with losing 110 lbs and I feel wonderful...but lets not lose sight of the fact that I still have 50 lbs to go and its not falling off effortlessly like the early days after my RNY.

I have been saying, for several weeks now, that I am maintaining my weight loss.  Sounds good.  No pressure.  Even sounds like I'm on track, right??  Nope.  No really.  Not at all.  I have eaten my way thru the holidays and even though I have not gained any weight (hence the word maintaining) I have not really practiced any of the principals of my WLS that are not controlled by my pouch.  So, not over eating, but not eating the right stuff.  Not drinking nearly enough water...and no exercise to speak of. 

Coasting. Definition:   
  1. (of a person or vehicle) Move easily without using power.
  2. Act or make progress without making much effort.
I have been coasting.  Not making much effort.  Not using power.  Just getting by. 

I've been calling it maintaining, but really, doesnt that happen until you reach your goal

Maintaining.  Definition:
  1. Cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue: "maintain close links between industry and schools".
  2. Keep (something) at the same level or rate: "prices will have to be maintained". what...

1.  Back to basics...protein 1st, careful with carbs, no sugary snacks, water 
                                ...track food intake
                                ...get moving...exercise daily

2. Get real...the 1st hundred lbs was 'easy'...the rest will take some work...if I want it I have to do it!! 

3. Stay, friends, OH...stay involved

4. Believe...Achieve...Receive
                  ...I BELIEVE I can do this...get to my goal weight and live a strong and healthy life
                  ...I can ACHIEVE my goals when they are realistic and I use the tools I have been given
                  ...I will RECEIVE the benefits of my efforts good health, by support of those around me and I can be 
                     of support to those who are struggling.

So, the coasting is over...onward thru this journey...
on 1/6/12 12:25 am
 It sounds like you have the right attitude and I'm sure you'll start going in the right direction very very soon!  All the best to you!!



Surgery:  November 30/11 w Dr. Scott Gmora at St. Joseph's in Hamilton
Highest Weight:  336lbs                  Current Weight: 250lbs
                          Total Weight Loss: 86lbs 
on 1/6/12 12:30 am, edited 1/6/12 12:33 am
Geez, I could have written this. Let's get our **** together. I'm the same. I'd like to lost another 10-20 lbs.Thanks for posting. Reading this gives me some motivation to get back on track.
on 1/6/12 1:08 am
Well said Here is another I am stealing from my friend Kevan
People are so concerned with what they eat between Christmas and New Year
However the real concern should be What they eat between New Year's and Christmas
I ate a little differently during the holidays as well  however I ate only sugar free sweets
I did drink more wine than ,and probably had more snack food ie crackers dips that I do not normally eat but like you it is back to Normal water,exercise high protein etc. 
Jan              2.8 pounds below goal  
Derek C.
on 1/6/12 1:33 am - North Bay , Canada
 ohhh im sooo coasting to ,  i have zero motivation to do anything now and i only need to lose 9 measly pounds to hit my first goal.

i need to get back to journalling and quit handful tssting at every opportunity...i guess its true idle hands lead to bad habits...thanks for your post, i found it very motivating








Surgery Date - AUGUST 22, 2011 - Ran first 5KM Race - Oct 14, 2012 (28 min)  - Currently maintaining a healthy 190 lbs and training for my first half marathon in the summer of 2013








on 1/6/12 1:40 am - Orillia, Canada
Dawn, I could be your twin. I too have lost about 110 pounds, still have 25 to go and have been coasting. I love your definitions and glad I am not alone. One day turned into two of getting off track, then a week and now it has been a month or more of not doing the right thing.

Time to get the train back on track.

Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!



                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


Monica M.
on 1/6/12 2:00 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
You have made a wonderful, wonderful start, but yes, like you say, coasting is a better definition than maintaining. I have faith in you, you can do this. Set your goals and keep them.

I love this posting!!! bookmarking it, for sure!
Marny B.
on 1/6/12 2:32 am - Canada
Thanks Dawn, for the post.  I sooooo needed to hear that.  I am in the exact same spot as you and really need to get down to work.  I have 30ish (depends on the day as I bounce up and down the scale on an almost daily basis), pounds to loose, and it is going to take work.  I return to my job after holidays, on Monday and am looking forward to being busy again, so I can distract myself from food, and I will also start my next running clinic on Tuesday. 

Here's to coasting no more! 

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


Toni B.
on 1/6/12 5:32 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
Dawn, what an excellent post!!!

You make some VERY good points and you are totally calling yourself out on your own "coasting".
I love what you wrote, and I bookmarked it...for when I get to a stage where I am "almost" at my goal, and if I start to allow myself to *think* about easing up on the discipline, I am going to read this post and remind myself of the message you typed....

I found your words to be so REAL, so down to earth, and so positive in their message. You called a spade a spade, and then said - Ok, back to basics... What you write, and the honesty in which you wrote it, really gives perspective to the people following in your me... 

My favourite part: "Get real...the first 100lbs was 'easy', the rest will take some work..." It just reiterates to me how this isn't about just changing what you eat, but how I live and how i move -- or more to the point, How I must start to move and exercise if I want to get to my goal.

Again...loved your post, thank you for sharing... it really resonated with me! 

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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Diminishing Dawn
on 1/6/12 5:32 am - Windsor, Canada
Great synopsis.

For many people this is the difference between getting to goal and not. My surgeon always said that typically the last 20 lbs are worked off at the gym. This is REALLY working the tool.

Awesome for you! Love the attitude!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

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