too many food funerals
Ok because my centre barely ever weighs us I decided I had better jump on a scale as I start this optifast adventure. Note I do not own a scale nor do I plan on purchaseing one for at least 6 months. I do not want to be focusing on the numbers and will wait and get my surprises at my apointments. Or may sneak over to moms and use her scale. either way i don't want it in my house yet. But i digress I did weigh myself and I have gained 10 lbs since the start of this journey so over a year.......... can you say too many food funerals leading up to this LOL. Well back on track and working on my optifast keep your eye on the prize.!!!!
Many last suppers before I started on the optifast...I think it was a great way to say good bye to the junk. In fact I think I got sick of the last suppers, which made the optifast a new beginning. Just think this time next month it's a whole new beginning. You'll crave melba toast...I know I did (love the crunch) Don't worry about the 10 lbs you have a great outlook. Diane
Will take a kayaking trip summer 2012, freedom
on 11/24/11 12:35 am - Ontario, Canada
on 11/24/11 12:35 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Totally understand - I will be the same! But now, that's over - the funerals have been had, and a new life is beginning!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011 Surgery Feb 29th, 2012
Food funerals can be hard, but they are a good thing. Better than food resurrections
or food purge-atory 
Seriously, however - you are doing great. Also realize that, ifyou aren't weighing yourself often (not that I recommend doing so, by any means), an increase of ten pounds could have been an increase of only 5 pounds for example, depending on the day you were weighed as there is a natural fluctuation depending on time of day, time of month, etc. I find the key to not stressing when the scale jumps is to know that it's an upward trend, not a blip that raises flags.

Seriously, however - you are doing great. Also realize that, ifyou aren't weighing yourself often (not that I recommend doing so, by any means), an increase of ten pounds could have been an increase of only 5 pounds for example, depending on the day you were weighed as there is a natural fluctuation depending on time of day, time of month, etc. I find the key to not stressing when the scale jumps is to know that it's an upward trend, not a blip that raises flags.