are bloodshot eyes painful?

Brandy S.
on 11/15/11 10:29 am - Sudbury, Canada
So in the last 2 hours i noticed my left eye kinda hurts, so as soon as I got home i looked in the mirror and my one eye is really bloodshot on the one side.. like really bloodshot.. its never happened to me before.. and it hurts.. is this normal?
on 11/15/11 10:52 am
To me  In my personal experience, the only time that it hurt was because there was an infection in the eye, such as a sty or pink eye aka conjuctivitus.

I have had blood shot eyes with no infection and was surprised to see my eyes in that condition because there was no pain.

Time to see a professional.

Good luck

Brandy S.
on 11/15/11 11:05 am - Sudbury, Canada
eeww... man  I hope its not pink

thanks :)
on 11/15/11 11:05 am
I'm a contact lense wearer, my eyes take a beating with getting the lenses in and out, sleeping in the lenses, etc and they occasionally get a bit blood shot, but this is never accompanied by pain. The only time I had painful redness was conjuctivitis. Unless you know you scratched your eye, or got some chemical in it, it is likely conjunctivitis brought on by a viral infection or possibly a bacterial or allergic source. Don't be surprised if you have some pus or crust around the eye in the morning. Most cases clear up on their own in a few days, if it isn't noticeably better in 3 days, see a doc.
on 11/15/11 11:15 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Nope, that's definitely not "normal". Brandy, I agree with Judy - you need to go and get that checked out tomorrow so they can find out what's wrong with your eye and tell you if it's contagious and get you on medication, if necessary, to take care of it.  Good luck! 

Kim O.
on 11/15/11 12:52 pm - Windsor, Canada
Pink eye sometimes is red, and can look like a burst eye vessel. If you go to google images, you can see some icky examples.
referred:  Jan 2011   rec'd letter from WRH:  June 6, 2011   orientation:  July 14, 2011           SurgEd:  July 5/12     Meet the Surg.  Aug 9/12     Surgery Sept 7/12

on 11/15/11 1:35 pm - Scarborough, Canada
 i used to get this and thought it was pink eye but it tuned out to be a cyst under my eyelid...the eye specialist  said the best thing to do in either scenarios id to get warm cloth (as hot as you can tolerate) and compress it in the eye...keep rinsing and then reapplying for about 15-20 minutes 3 to 4 times a day...i swear it really did help and reduced the redness  and i had eye problems for 8 months because all the emergency doctors (4) gave me were different drops for pink eye and infections in my eye and it would work only temporarily as the cyst was the issue....strongly reccommend going to your doctor and see a specialist if needed  if problem persists..good luck
on 11/15/11 1:37 pm - Scarborough, Canada
 man does my typing suck..(sorry for the grammatical errors)
on 11/15/11 7:52 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
I wouldn't take chances with my eyes.  Get a professional to look at it promptly.  If it's nothing, great.  But if something needs to be done, best not to delay.
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