So done with Hamilton.

on 9/27/11 10:53 am
" I sure hope that I don't get her". You have already judged her without meeting her. You may want to form your own opinions and not go in with a preconceived idea of what she is like.
Mary A.
on 9/27/11 2:34 am

it truly is very sad that professonals working at a bariatric clinic or hospital treat their patients that way..

.I was treated very well in Duluth, Minnesota at St. Mary's...and had a couple of wonderful NUTS, that even gave me their e-mail addresses if I ever had any difficulties (it's a 6 hr drive round trip)..

late, last fall at our local monthly support meeting we discussed how badly obese and overweight patients are treated, at doctors offices and hospitals/health centers etc.

if you have the opportunity I would always speak to the head nurse and if possible have your charts/case file moved to another NUT if there is more than (1) where you go.

ALL people deserve respect.....

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Tanya T.
on 9/27/11 3:09 am
I do believe her name is Laurie.  I was there for my one month follow up on Sept. 16th and I had a male dietician(can't remember his name) and Nada.  You could tell he was newer and Nada sat in with us but he was pleasant.  I have my 3 month follow up on November 17th.



Rachel O.
on 9/27/11 3:43 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 03/02/12
When I had my apt with the Dietion I had Adam...He was new but really nice. Took the time to answer any question I had. The only part I found weird is that I knew more info then he did about eatting after. Thank goodness I have not had the surgury yet.
on 9/27/11 9:34 am

I would never advocate allowing  anyone to be rude, condescending or dismissive of a patient....however.....we also have to ensure we don't go into appointments loaded for bear...

My impression Trudy and Joy is that you both can be a little *****ly....OK .....that's just what makes you YOU......but I sure would think twice before transferring my file or walking in preparing for a fight....

I just cant imagine a  center being as interested in a patient who had surgery at a different center.....but I am likely wrong about this....I just wouldn't want to test it.....because if they are not as concerned about you because you were operated on by Hamilton then its too late to transfer back.
You only have quarterly appointments until your one year - then its annually.....not a huge hardship to ensure you are followed....and YES, if you encounter someone who treats you poorly then you can address it in an adult manner

It can be difficult to keep our emotions at bay.....but you certainly get further ahead with honey than with vinegar....and believe me I am not advocating that you roll over if someone is disrespectful.....just also understand that people have bad days....just like you and me....yeah it should'nt  happen but it does.....

I would read Momforlife's comments earlier in this thread - I thought they were very appropriate.







on 9/27/11 11:29 am - Sudbury, Canada
Those who know me at all know I am the furthest thing from "*****ly".  I was venting about an awful experience with that woman and it seems that I am not the only one who has encountered her.  Good luck with her if you ever meet her, she might be having yet another bad day.  When I called Hamilton and Humber today they were both fine with the transfer.  Not a big deal and it will shave over an hour off my drive.  Double win.
Joy D.
on 9/27/11 12:03 pm - Hamilton, Canada

The nut in question is not the reg one as she is on mat leave, i have never had any  probs  with any of my appts until i had my 6 month check up and she knew nothing of my file as Nada the head nurse had my files due to some of my health issues, Nada had went  home ill so she couldn't be there like she always is when i come in, This nut was rude and accusing me of lying to her about my eating habits and so on when i am following what Nada is recommending, i wont be going in feisty ready  to fight or argue but i will be damned if any one will speak to me the way she did that day, she had me in tears and I'm sry  that is  not  right for any person what ever their profession is, be lil'ing  ppl is not very wise. Every case is different and Nada  know;s what i have been going through, she didn't, in my opinion she should have asked first before making ppl feel worthless dispite all our efforts.

The next day i called and spoke to Nada and she agreed with me on how i felt after i left that office, when i should have be feeling very  good about myself due to i once was almost a bmi of 50 and now i am in mid 30's and lost 110lbs in 7 months,  so i would say  she is not a very professional nut person.

Also i am  not the only one who she be lil's.

Joy Ticker
Free Disney Tickers
on 9/27/11 11:34 pm
Hi Joy

thanks for your reply - I just dont want to see anyone hurt themselves or their progress - and again I dont think we have to put up with rudeness either

You do need to advocate for yourself - and I am so glad to see you do this in a reasonable manner....

And wow - 110 pounds in 7 months - you are doing the right things Joy - good for you







on 9/27/11 11:42 am - Hamilton, Canada
Yes, there may be a few bad apples in the health care field ... but not just limited to the profession.  We have all been treated like **** from servers, retail people - and not always because we are fat.  The problem afterwords is MOVING ON.   Yes, it hurts our feelings, but people get so focused on their negative experiences that they forgot to celebrate the positives.  I am not sure that I read anything on here (I may have missed it if there was one) about how this and this person was awesome.  Yes we come here for support when our day has gone down the crapper, but don't let it ruin everything.  If this is WHOLE reason you are 'Done' with Hamilton, then I don't think you are giving the other staff their credit.  One person's perceived actions shouldn't control your actions - specifically if is the only bad experience you had had.

Now this maybe my chance to maybe get blamed - but I personally think that some fat people feel that world owes them something, and I don't think even they know what it is. 
328 - Highest Weight
305 - Surgery Weight- July 26th, 2011

on 9/27/11 12:15 pm
I am sorry that people have had bad experiences with the nutritionist. I believe that she is actually one of the regular nutritionists, they have 2 and Adam is covering for the one on maternity leave. Another person posted who had her 3 month follow-up recently and did not have any problems with anyone. When I spoke with her at my last appointment pre-op she was very nice. So I don't think that it is her norm to be rude and condescending. As a health care professional I find that health care teaching is extraordinarily difficult as it can involve very emotional and intimate details of people's lives. In this case those of us who have issues with food discussing our diet with a nutritionist, it is potentially an emotional discussion.


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