So done with Hamilton.

on 9/26/11 8:50 pm - Cayuga, Canada
Sorry about your experience Trudy (and Joy). I'm no too sure if there is more then one nutritionist now that there is more doctors on board but I have never had anything but positive experience at my check ups. I had a new one at my 1 year since Alison is off on mat leave but she was very friendly and pleasant. Maybe check with the clinic to see if there is more then one. My appts are always on a Thursday and have always had the same person so maybe different days have different people.
on 9/26/11 10:30 pm
There is one at Humber who is a cranky nasty thing.  I bet every centre has one lol. 
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

Robin H.
on 9/26/11 11:00 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
LOl myep Thunder Bay has the hollier than thou Dr Young that everyone hates at the bariatric centre he is the Pychologist ....... I have heard horror stories about having to deal with him, Thank goodness I saw the social worker instead who was great

(deactivated member)
on 9/27/11 12:30 pm - Toronto, Canada
 I was at the TWH support group last week and I was a little surprised by how a dietician scolded a group member was her tone in addition to what she said...very shaming.  I think there is nothing wrong with straight talk about consequences and facts, but if its delivered in a judgemental way, it only drives problem eaters more into hiding and less likely to get the help they need.

on 9/26/11 11:01 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Thanks everyone, it's so great to know that I am not the only one who has encountered a nasty person in this process.  I just called HRRH to see if I could transfer over and they told me that I had to call Hamilton and get them to call the nurse manager at Humber.  So I left a message on that abyss of an answering machine at Hamilton and I will give them 3 days to call me back.  I look forward to putting another stick figure in her place! LOL
Monica M.
on 9/26/11 11:06 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
i cant wait till you become a stick figure. I'll put you in your place, then. lol I dont know how when or why, but i will!!!! Challenge accepted. (of course, i'll be a stick figure too, and you'll probably beat me up, but whatever.)
on 9/26/11 11:10 pm - Sudbury, Canada
LOL, I would never beat you up!  You are a roller derby bad-ass.  I am afraid of you!
Monica M.
on 9/26/11 11:14 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada

that's right!!!! i forgot!!!! damn, i'm a bad ass.

on 9/26/11 11:16 pm - Canada
I take absolutely no issue with anyone refusing to allow themselves to be treated fact, I encourage everyone to standing up for themselves.  I do note, however, that the use of the term "stick figure" is making a comment about her based on her physical self.  It is likely that she is a condescending b!@%ch completely indepedently of her size.  Isn't  making assumptions or comments about a stick figure the same as an assumption or comment about the obese as being lazy or slobs because they are fat?  Isn't it that type of thinking that has worked to make most of us feel small on the inside while we have been large on the outside.  I make a conscious effort to not engage in name calling based on someone's physicality...if they are a condescending you-know-what that needs to be smacked, they would be that regardless of the packaging they come in. 

on 9/27/11 12:39 am
I was thinking something similar as I was reading this thread.
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