
on 9/19/11 6:36 am - Newmarket, Canada
I feel like I should know the answer to this.. but why is it that when we drink post op, we get drunk so much faster and stay drunk for so much longer on such small amounts.... I was trying to explain it to my boss today.. but I honestly couldnt think of why
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Megan M.
on 9/19/11 6:39 am - Canada
And when can we have a drink?

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

Christina C.
on 9/19/11 9:31 am - New Glasgow, Canada
 had to hijack....first I have seen Megsn's new picture..LOOKING HOT!
Tanya T.
on 9/19/11 9:39 am
Hijack-  Megan you look smoking HOT you are rocking your surgery......absolutely STUNNING girl!



on 9/19/11 6:57 am - Canada
because we no longer have a valve in the bottom of our new stomach so it goes right thru and because of the bypass it enters directly into our system. INSTANT BUZZZ.

but I find it doesn't last as long, which is good, no hangover. However; It doesn't take much to get a nice glow on.

My surgeon said if you must drink, nothing for at least 6 months, too taxing on the liver while it's trying to deal with the sudden weight loss, it's already working overtime.

there's your answer, in my laymans terms.

Monica M.
on 9/19/11 7:44 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
jdance explained it right, i think. sounds good to me. i waited till almost 6 months to have a drink.
on 9/19/11 7:50 am - Canada
I addition to the above,  I have read that because the alcohol isessentially delivered straight to the jejunum, it is absorped much more rapidly into the blood stream.  The jejunum has a much larger surface area than the duodenum and is rich with blood vessels.  In others, absorption happens much more slowly earlier on in the track, so to speak.

on 9/19/11 7:51 am
i was wondering what would happen if you drink too much too quickly.  would it just hit you faster and harder?  would the hangover be 100x worse?  at what amount could you get alcohol poisoning - i know that probably depends on the person but just in general as prior to wls it would be quite a bit?
thanks for posting this.  i'm not a big drinker but did wonder about that post wls.

on 9/19/11 8:26 am - Harpers Ferry, WV
 I waited until I was a year out (thats what my surgeon suggested due to the high risk of cross-addiction). My husband and I have approached drinking very scientifically, okay, yeah we experimented and timed everything.
For me it takes about 5 minutes for 4-6oz of wine to make me go weeeeeeeeeee. I'm hilariously drunk for about 42 minutes. the 4-6 ounces is my saturation point, i could drink more but it don't keep it going and it just makes me sick afterwards. the weeeeeeeeeeeee effect loses its potency if i drink too many days in a row (1 drink a night every night for example) so it's more more fun to save drinking for special occassions.
the cool thing about my 42 minutes of cheaply acheived drunkeness is that if me and my husband and kid are at a party, i can drink first, be sober in an hour and be in charge of our kid while he gets drunk and so theres always a sober parent on duty :)
so far i've only tried wines (mostly sangria) haven't dared to touch liquor yet

its a combination of food not staying in your stomach and where the alcohol gets dumped in when you drink it (I believe someone said it was to jejuenum?)

even though we feel sober within an hour of a drink, it actually stays in our system longer and have to beware of breathlyzers, you can feel perfectly fine and still blow over the legal limit. so use caution, please :)

 7/18/10: 211lbs, 10/16/10: 174 lbs, 1/21/11: 146 lbs, 4/20/11: 131 lbs. Insulin FREE since 7/2010, "normal" BMI since 12/2010. I'm 31, 5'5", happily married, with a fabulous 3 year old boy, and hope to add to our family in the near future       

on 9/20/11 1:21 am
I finally went and did it this weekend.  I have attempted before but not got really drunk. 

Did this weekend very easily, but did not sober up quickly like I thought I would.  Hang over........oh yeah.  Difference was I swear I could feel my tiny stomach bubbling in a smaller space.  I also was very light headed the next day, I think this was due to dehydration, I am very sensitive to my water level and alcohol is very dehydrating.Was it worth it yep!!!!!!!!!!  Had a blast and really needed the outlet (I am aware of cross addiction), so that is why I have never been a social drinker, I have always only done  it a few times a year. The bonus was it was a party with people I haven't freinds poor husband, I thought he was going to pass out when he saw me, he could not believe it.  Very fun.

My advice is to be careful when you first drink.,and trying to explain it is very difficult.  I gave up and say I am an easy drunk and leave it at that.

Take Cae of You

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